Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to allow us to restart the Iran nuclear deal, cap insulin costs at $35/month, pass more and better climate change legislation, tax the rich and corporations more, expand our Supreme Court, and pass the Postal Service Reform Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Win Without War helps you tell your Congressfolk not to obstruct our President's efforts to restart the Iran nuclear deal, a major achievement of the Obama Administration. You'll recall how right-wing Senators actively obstructed the deal in 2015 by telling the Iranian government a future Republican Administration would probably scuttle it. Which Mr. Trump did, and for no good reason! The deal was keeping Iran from developing nukes, and its absence has permitted them to develop nuclear weapons technology much further than they had before. Don't brook any stupidity about how you can't "trust" Iran, because the deal required verification of Iran's compliance, not trust. Jesus, right-wingers can be so stupid. Anyway, we can restart the deal -- if we get in our Congressfolks' grills about it.
Both More Perfect Union and Daily Kos help you tell your Congressfolk to cap insulin costs at $35/month, for which President Biden asked in his recent State of the Union address Daily Kos wants us to tell them to do it via budget reconciliation, but I'd honestly prefer they force Republicans to filibuster the insulin cap. Not because that legislation might not make it through reconciliation (the Senate parliamentarian killed the $15/hour minimum wage hike, you recall). It's more that I want to get Republicans on record as being objectively pro-death for diabetic children. People all over America are risking death by rationing their insulin because they can't afford it, so I expect they'll be even less receptive to Republican yammering about price controls than I am.
Daily Kos also helps you tell your Congressfolk to step up their climate change game, given the possibility that our super right-wing Supreme Court may soon hamstring our EPA's ability to even regulate climate change. If that happens -- and it'd be a hell of a reversal of precedent, since our Court ruled as recently as 2014 that our EPA could regulate carbon emissions under existing law -- Congress will have to write more specific laws, which they're loathe to do, but which they'll have to do if we want a planet to live on in 30 years. The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently found that climate change is outrunning us, so we'd better pick up the pace -- without right-wing rubbish about how "this isn't the government's job."
Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a 15% minimum tax on corporate profits, both domestic and offshore, while Demand Progress helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a wealth tax on billionaires. Neither of these actions does everything I want them to do, but they'll make our tax code a good deal better -- a 15% minimum corporate tax will, with one swoop, end a lot of corporate welfare in America, and the wealth tax will begin to address the problem of runaway billionaires in America. If the nation's billionaires can add trillions of dollars to their net worth while the rest of us are struggling under the yoke of a pandemic, something's very wrong. And we, as Americans, have a duty to make it right. Corporations and rich folks need to pay more taxes, end of story.
Demand Progress also helps you tell your Congressfolk to expand our Supreme Court. Yes, we should do it because six of the nine Justices are far right-wingers, and we should do it because a President rejected by 54% of the electorate in 2016 appointed the last three of those. But there's another good reason: we have 13 federal Appeals Courts in America, so having one Supreme Court Justice to manage each District Court will make all those courts work better. These reasons are all better reasons than ones Congress used the last seven times they changed the number of Supreme Court Justices. And if Republicans think it's unfair to expand our Supreme Court under a Democratic President, well, they should have won the 2020 election. I won't lie: I say that at least partly because I know it'll piss 'em off.
Finally, Americans for Financial Reform helps you tell your Senators to pass H.R. 3076, the Postal Service Reform Act. Ignore fake "concerns" about Medicare from certain right-wing Senators (which even Sen. Portman of Ohio have said are bunkum). The bill would allow our Postal Service to offer services like fishing licenses which will increase revenue -- a consistent issue with our Postal Service, since taxpayers haven't funded it for decades -- and would, more importantly, shed our Postal Service of the mandate to prepay retiree benefits decades in advance, a mandate required of no other public or private entity and a mandate that, frankly, feels like a Bush Mobb effort to destroy our Postal Service. With the Postal Service Reform Act, our Postal Service would get much-needed breathing room.