Long story short: tell state legislatures to stop trying to erase Black history education, tell states to stop taking voting rights from felons, tell President Biden to end a Trump-era Medicare-privatization scheme, tell Google to stop working with our Pentagon on AI technology, and tell President Biden to cancel student loan debt and release the memo his office prepared on the matter. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
The Daily Kos Liberation League helps you tell state legislatures to stop trying to "disappear" Black history from their schools' curricula, while People for the American Way helps you tell state legislatures to stop erasing the history of all historically-oppressed Americans. Go ahead and sign both! Now, I don't oppose a school board's right to determine curriculum for its students. Of course they have the right to do that! And we have the right to tell them they're doing it wrong if they're doing it wrong! And we also have the right to tell folks who think patriotism equals denying the evil we've done that patriotism acknowledges that evil, and then works to fight and defeat that evil. Hey, nobody said civilization was easy.
Common Cause helps you tell state legislators to stop taking voting rights away from felons merely because of their past felonies. Rights ain't rights if some folks don't have them! And taking voting rights away from felons, in a society that systematically targets Black and Brown folks, is racist, period, end of. Lately we've seen good folks go back to prison because they didn't know their past conviction made voting illegal for them, and the reason they didn't know? Because some states would rather just put you in jail than tell you you're doing something that could land you in jail! I mean, it sure looks that way. Generally we should err on the side of more people voting rather than fewer. And people who think otherwise know they'd lose a fair fight.
Social Security Works helps you tell President Biden to end the pilot program that delivers Medicare recipients into private health insurance plans without their knowledge or consent. Yes, the Trump Administration really started such a thing, and while it often seems like they were just a bunch of Medicare-haters, they also saw an opportunity to please the banksters who back the Direct Care Entities (or DCEs) that take over part of a senior's medical care. Run that name through your tongue again. Direct care entities -- why take three words to say "carer"? And why use the word "entity," like it's some suddenly-sentient satellite from Star Trek? Because if they told you the truth about what they were doing, you wouldn't go along. And neither should the Biden Administration.
MoveOn helps you tell Google to stop entering into AI tech contracts with our Pentagon. Because they're going to use AI to kill people, that's why, and though our defense mavens will no doubt tell you that using AI will save soldiers' lives, anyone who read Philip K. Dick's "Second Variety" knows what's really going to happen: AI will take over and start killing anyone it likes, for its own damn reasons. And maybe Google shouldn't be putting its billions behind such madness; at least, that's what a large number of Google's employees seem to think. Besides which, I think the best way to save soldiers' lives is not to fight stupid wars. Have we fought any non-stupid wars lately? No, we have not. And if we fight in Iran and the Ukraine as some defense contractors want, that won't change.
Finally, Daily Kos helps you tell President Biden to a) release the memo his office prepared detailing his power under the law to cancel student loan debt, and b) cancel the damn student loan debt. It would give breathing room to millions of good Americans who we told go to college so you can get a good job -- millions of Americans who learned they weren't going to realize that promise! President Biden campaigned on forgiving $10,000 per borrower, which ain't a whole lot, but it's something; now he's claiming he can't do that, and sitting on the document that may well say he can do more than that. Joe Biden can be short of compassion at times (as he can be with marijuana law, as well); let's see if we can help him be his best self here.