Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to fight big corporate campaign donations, pass the Get Foreign Money out of U.S. Elections Act, give our IRS the money it needs to catch rich tax cheats, ban conversion "therapy," and pass the NO BAN Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Public Citizen helps you tell your Congressfolk to amend our Constitution so we can restrain big campaign finance donations again. Virtually everyone in America wants that, which I guess is why our Congressfolk haven't done it -- they think "bipartisanship" is "what corporatists on both sides want," not what Americans on both sides want. Now some folks argue for even more corporate money in campaign ads, but luckily their arguments all suck -- they range from "incumbents will pass laws restricting spending by challengers" (you can think of about a hundred other laws that would prevent that from happening!) to "campaigns cost money, you know" (which doesn't justify spending just any amount of money on a campaign). Stupidity can't keep winning in America!
The Juggernaut Project helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass H.R. 6283, the Get Foreign Money Out of U.S. Elections Act. Because they're American elections, that's why! If they were world elections, we wouldn't be having this discussion! Our laws already ban individual foreign citizens from donating to American campaigns -- so now those folks just buy American corporations and use them like a wet dishrag. We can of course blame our Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United ruling for that (as well as for everything I describe in the preceding paragraph), but H.R. 6283 would close that loophole. And if that corporation's American employees want to contribute to campaigns? Gosh, there are hundreds of ways to do that these days, so shed no tears for them.
Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Congressfolk to give our IRS the funding it needs to catch all the rich folks who cheat on their taxes. Infamously, our IRS has lately told us it only has the money to catch poor tax cheats, since they can't poop out the money they'd need to fight back, so we need to fix that. No matter how many stupid, lying ads right-wingers run about it! During the infrastructure bill debate, an organization somehow called the Coalition to Protect American Workers ran ads equating hiring more IRS agents with higher taxes, and also insinuated that they'd find the money to fund that by "defunding the police." But let's not have people without shame getting all the say in how we run our country.
Care2 helps you tell your Congressfolk to ban conversion "therapy" in America. Canada just banned it, and nations such as Germany and Malta have also banned it, but our mania for pandering to the weakest, most bigoted among us has thus far prevented us from doing it, and our politicians need to adult up about it. Conversion "therapy," you may recall, tries to convert gay folks into straight folks by using such "techniques" as having the gay person re-enact past sexual abuse while naked. I'd call that unscientific, just like our Surgeon General did 20 years ago, but I guess doing so would just provoke the masks-are-abuse and vaccines-don't-work crowd. But those people just live to be provoked anyway, so I don't care. Someday they'll learn they're not the center of the universe.
Finally, the Daily Kos Liberation League helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass S. 1891, the NO BAN Act. The NO BAN Act would prevent a President from unilaterally enacting anything like Donald Trump's infamous "Muslim ban" -- or Joe Biden's unjustly-not-infamous late 2021 ban on eight African nations supposedly in response to the Omicron variant of COVID. You see how well that did in containing Omicron, right? The NO BAN Act would prevent our President from enacting any travel ban based on religious discrimination or racism, and would require our President to create the narrowest possible ban if it's based on a "compelling government interest." Frankly, I'd rather make Congress pass such bans, if they're ever necessary, but I don't let the perfect murder the good, and the NO BAN Act would do some good.