Surprise, surprise: a Politico/Morning Consult poll finds support for the American Jobs Plan actually ticks up when you mention the price tag. So if Americans aren't scared of spending a lot of money to make America greater, why are the politicians? Because the big corporations get in their ear all the time and drown us out, that's why. We just have to be louder. We'll do that shortly.
Facebook keeps Donald Trump banned from its platform -- but says the ban should never have been permanent and will revisit the matter in six months. Naturally right-wingers who don't read are whining about it, and if Facebook were a public utility, they might have a point. Of course I said might, and of course they'd never support actually making Facebook a public utility, and in any case Facebook is really a publishing house, even if loopholes in the law permit them to evade the responsibility publishing houses have. And publishing houses don't have to publish you! Otherwise they could never reject a manuscript, no matter how awful! Anyway, Donald Trump just started a blog, so nobody's trampling his rights.
President Biden rescinds Trump-era rule that would have allowed big corporations to classify more of their gig workers as "independent contractors." We should treat gig workers as employees, so they can earn a decent wage and enjoy overtime and worker safety protections; no 11th Commandment mandates otherwise. And if the stocks of pseudo-corporations like Uber and Lyft take a bit of a tumble, who cares? No one puts a gun to your head and forces you to be a shareholder. And no one has a "right" to get rich quick in the stock market. Gosh, I'm old enough to remember when "get rich quick" was something nasty you'd say.
A Public Integrity/AP/Univision report reveals that employers who steal your wages rarely get punished. And repeat offenders don't get punished that often, either, though, you know, you'd think they would. No, a prosecutor shouldn't use past offenses to mislead juries into convicting people of current crimes, but Jesus Mary and Joseph if you've been told not to steal your employee's wages, then you should be punished harder for doing it again and again. Biggest total non-surprise: if you're Black or Brown, you're more likely to get shafted.
When I read that "The Real History of Anglo-Saxons Undermines Racists’ Theories," I say well, of course history undermines racist theory, not just because the Anglo-Saxons were actually quite diverse, but because history always undermines ideology, and "racist theory" isn't theory per se, but merely the articulation of rage. I also say, gosh, what an understated headline, and not in a good way -- strikes me as a way of being "fair" to racist rageheads, not a way of saying you won't let them get under your skin. If you got all the facts, go ahead and flaunt them, that's what I say.
Finally, Tucker Carlson says that if colleges require their students to get the COVID vaccine, that means (due to some not-fully-articulated slippery-slope reasoning, I have to assume) that "(t)hey will have total power over your body and your mind forever." "(T)otal power," "forever," achieved through a single vaccine? Gosh, dramatic much? Right-wingers really have completely morphed into their worst stereotypes of liberals.