Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to pay for the American Jobs Plan with corporate tax hikes and not "user fees," tell your Congressfolk to beef up IRS enforcement so we can catch more tax cheats, and tell our President to fund world vaccine efforts, stop funding Israel's occupation of Palestine, close the Guantánamo Bay detention center, and replace one more member of our USPS Board of Governors. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers (where applicable), or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs. Good hunting!
Daily Kos helps you tell your Senators to pay for the American Jobs Plan by taxing corporations, not working people. Because that's what "user fees" are -- they're basically a damn sales tax, and we should outlaw all sales taxes anyway, because they always hit working people harder than wealthy people, and taxes should hit wealthy people harder, not so much because there's more money there as because wealthy people will take away all your rights if they become too powerful. You know, like they're doing now! And definitely don't tolerate any Republicans who say "only the people who use the roads should pay for the roads," as if corporations don't use roads.
Daily Kos also helps you tell your Congressfolk they need to fund our IRS properly so they can catch more wealthy tax cheats. This is basic law and order stuff here -- imagine your government saying we can't pay for cops, so we're just going to let the burglaries keep on happening. You wouldn't tolerate that, would you? Well, why would we tolerate the loss of $1 trillion annually simply because Congress has starved it of money the last decade? That's $1 trillion that rich folks and corporations have essentially burgled from us! We shouldn't have to! Congress should do their damn jobs! And now I'm over my exclamation point quota for this paragraph.
Public Citizen helps you tell the Biden Administration to invest $25 billion in vaccine development around the world. Because you can kill it here, but if you don't kill it there, too, it's gonna come back here and kill you, and very likely in mutated form. Hopefully we don't need the argument put any more pragmatically than that! And $25 billion out of over $4 trillion in annual federal spending not only isn't a lot, but would get you a lot more than you paid for it. Unlike, say, defense spending, where outspending the next eight highest-spending countries combined actually hasn't brought us any more security. Odd how little real security actually costs.
Speaking of which, MoveOn helps you tell the Biden Administration to stop funding Israel's continued oppression of Palestine. How often to I hear Israel is becoming that which it came into existence to fight these days? Quite often! And I'd probably think differently about Israel's actions in Palestine if I were convinced they really were alone against an entire world, but which of their Middle Eastern neighbors is standing with Palestine right now? Judging by the imbalance in the death tolls, I'd say none of them. And that means Israel has been captured by the folly that any fight is a good fight, and all fights must be fought to the death. It's always sad to see folks become what they most hate. And true friends don't enable it, as we have for decades.
Daily Kos helps you tell the Biden Administration to close the Guantánamo detention center already. Guantánamo remains a stain on our national soul, and if you're not getting the stains out of your soul, you're not living a moral life. And no, it's rubbish that Guantánamo's detainees will all "return to terrorism." Most of them never were terrorists to begin with! How do I know? Because if they were, our government would have convicted them of something over the last 20 years, that's why! "Too difficult to prosecute, but too dangerous to release" was a particularly noxious Obama-era fecal blast. We would laugh at Vladimir Putin saying that -- but we tolerate it here, too. And we shouldn't.
Finally, Daily Kos also helps you tell President Biden to oust another USPS Board of Governors member, Ron Bloom, and replace him with someone qualified and more likely to fire Louis DeJoy. But I repeat myself! President Biden can replace Mr. Bloom because he's already served on the Board past his term, and Mr. Bloom has incomprehensibly endorsed Mr. DeJoy, when Mr. DeJoy deserves only shame and shunning for the "work" he's done. He tried to steal the election for Donald Trump! You don't just "get along" with people who do that! And now he's about to take a Post Office that was running pretty well and ensure that it runs badly, for "cost-cutting" reasons, of course. If that's what our "best and brightest" entrepreneurial minds do, well, then, they're not our "best," are they? They're more likely grifters, in fact. And we deserve better.