Big corporations think they can pressure "moderate" Democrats into voting against any corporate tax hikes in the American Jobs Plan, a reasonable play on their part, but they also think Democratic Congressfolk will campaign on higher corporate taxes, which is quite an interesting take -- it wasn't that long ago folks said Barack Obama was dumb to declare he would raise taxes on the rich while running for re-election. Of course we're much better off not counting on Democrats running on corporate tax hikes, not just because, hey, these are Democrats we're talking about, but also because these corporations could be floating that whole idea just to induce liberals to accept a worse bill and count on the "fight another day" that never, ever comes with Democrats. Anyway, it doesn't matter what they want: it matters what we want. Be sure to note the first paragraph of our action alert today.
Remember that Republican House Rep who said the January 6 attempted coup wasn't an attempted coup so much as a "normal tourist visit"? Turns out the guy who said it, Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia's 9th, helped barricade the House chamber doors from the seditionists on that very day, and there's a photo. In case you were wondering, Republicans have a 31 point registration advantage in Georgia's 9th district, and Mr. Clyde won in 2020 with 78 percent of the vote, so though hope springs eternal and one should really compete in every district no matter how dire the circumstances, I wouldn't count on him going down due to his abject stupidity, as would happen in a sane, decent, and moral society.
Ari Paul at FAIR reminds us that our "liberal" media might have a better handle on the most recent unexpectedly-low jobs report if they'd actually talked to more than a handful of workers. They might have found out many workers aren't rushing to go back to work not just because employers still want to pay them in dung pellets, but because, well, a lot of jobs ain't worth risking your life (or the life of someone you love, who might be elderly or infirm). But then journalism textbooks have told you, straight out, for at least the last 30 years, that you can crib a lot of your work from corporate PR releases, and today's "liberal" media journalists sure seem to have taken that lesson to heart.
North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee (R) says he'll run for Governor of Nevada in 2022, and here's the rub: he switched parties, from Democratic to Republican, just this past April. Question: how can you make this switch after January 6? I mean, sure, he has answered that question by whining about TEH SOSHULIZM!!!!!, as if he's never driven a road or gone to the library, but frankly nobody should be a Republican, anywhere, after what happened on January 6.
Elie Mystal at The Nation reminds us that "There's Only 1 Reason" "Marjorie Taylor Greene is Gunning for AOC" -- and spoiler alert! It's racism. But I regret to inform my readers that I find too many intelligent folks, probably aiming to prove they're "not that liberal," equating the two, which is to laugh! I mean, one is intelligent, has good policy ideas, and doesn't raise her voice anywhere near the level our "liberal" media would like you to think she does -- and the other is Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Personal to the "why won't she debate us?" crowd: because nobody owes you a debate. Why, that would be like saying women owe you sex!)
Finally, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went on Hannity the other night and of course he used the word "energy" to describe something President Biden supposedly doesn't have enough of and former President Trump supposedly has a lot of. We could chide him for being a naked propagandist for the former President, but let's instead be reminded that most Americans are sick and tired of Donald Trump's "energy," which we would better describe as "drama." And again, how does this Trumpian "energy" embody conservative values, such as prudence, or thrift, or a love of order and tradition?