Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell our President-elect and our Congressfolk to properly fund our IRS so we can, at long last, hold tax evaders accountable. Some folks will say you want to give more money to the IRS haw haw haw haw, but our government has underfunded our IRS over the last decade to the point that its officers admit they go after low-level tax cheats because they don't have the money to fight wealthy and corporate tax cheats, and while cheating on your taxes is never OK, going after big-money tax cheats means, well, more money, for the good services we expect, demand, and deserve from our government. Put more simply: big tax cheats take more money out of our mouths than the little ones do, and why should tax cheats be shielded from accountability simply because they can hire more lawyers to spin more convoluted tall tales?
Meanwhile, the HERO Action Fund helps you tell your Congressfolk to make COVID-19 vaccines free to all Americans. Right-wingers will retort don't the companies that make the drugs deserve to make money? But one can answer that retort in at least four ways: a) these corporations often develop their drugs with taxpayer money, so we deserve more say over what happens afterward; b) only giving it to folks with money violates the rights of folks who don't have money; c) the more folks who get the vaccine, the more likely we'll defeat COVID-19, and d) people who die of COVID-19 because they can't afford a vaccine can't spend money on health care anymore. Plus, you know, e) don't put corporate profits ahead of people. (And since we don't just live in America but on Earth, Avaaz helps you tell all world governments to suspend patents on COVID-19 vaccines so everyone in the world can benefit from them.)
Finally, Social Security Works helps you tell President-elect Biden to undo our soon-to-be-ex-President's attempts to destroy Social Security, namely by rolling back his changes to Social Security Disability and by demanding the resignations of all of our soon-to-be-ex-President's appointees to the Social Security Administration. Yeah, I know, he's going to have a lot on his plate, but that doesn't mean we should lay off him, and getting rid of these injuries to our Social Security is his job. Moreover, exactly zero right-wingers will thank him for making SSDI and SSI recipients to re-prove their eligibility for these programs every six freaking months. That ain't "fighting fraud," it's just harassment -- they're hoping people forget to prove their eligibility! You want to fight fraud? Hire more (and better) investigators -- but don't hurt deserving Americans.