Joe Biden will be President on January 20 -- but if Republicans still control our Senate by then, they'll do their damnedest to prevent Mr. Biden from even staffing a functioning government. Hence MoveOn helps you tell President-elect Biden to reject any hostage-taking attempts by The One True and Real and Great American President Mitch McConnell and build a Cabinet that fulfills the mandate the people gave them. (They got a mandate from the people? Yes, they did, and here it is: "don't run the country like that guy did.") How do they fulfill this mandate in the face of Republican obstruction? By making recess appointments and by filling Cabinet positions on an acting basis, a process our soon-to-be-ex-President has abused, surely, but one Mr. Biden can use lawfully. And, really, it's well past time for Democratic politicians to learn that when you can't work with someone, you work around them. And we will do our part, as we have always done, to make our government work for us.
Meanwhile, Open the Government helps you tell our National Archives and Records Administration (or NARA) to make sure our soon-to-be-ex-President preserves all their Presidential records. Shame we have to tell our government to follow the law and do their job, but duty is duty. And you can just imagine this clown car setting records on fire, can't you? Particularly the ones that could expose our soon-to-be-ex-President to legal action? Yes, you can. Bad things happen in this White House! Seriously, though, this may sound a lot like inside baseball, but it's really not -- by taking action, we're not only forcing our government to obey the law, a fine end in itself, but we're also making them preserve our heritage, a heritage of transparency, diligence, and openness, which all remain part of our heritage, even if this particular Administration betrayed it. They act like these records belong to them, but they don't -- they belong to us.
Finally, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to reject our Administration's plan to sell over $23 billion worth of weapons and weapons systems to the United Arab Emirates for use in their evil war on Yemen, then Win Without War still helps you do that. By law, Congress gets to review such proposed sales for 30 days after our President informs them of the proposal, so we've now got a little over three weeks to tell our Congressfolk to reject it. As an aside, anyone else find it interesting that our soon-to-be-ex-President has proposed making this particular sale to the UAE and not Saudi Arabia? Why, it's almost like he's figured out that selling weapons to Saudi Arabia is unpopular in America or something. But selling these arms to the UAE will result in just as much murder, just as much mayhem, and just as much misery as selling it to the Saudis -- and the UAE will still be acting in complete lockstep with Saudi Arabia's intentions. So let's make this particular stratagem fail with a quickness.