Greg Palast, America's Last Journalist, reminds us that "Wisconsin 'Movers' Didn't Move." You know, just like millionaires didn't "move" out of states with high income tax rates in 2009! (The Great Recession, then underway, turned a lot of millionaires into thousandaires.) Wisconsin is one of those states that pretends you've moved if you haven't returned a junk mail-looking piece of crap to "verify" your address, and then they de-register you from voting and don't tell you! And they send a disproportionate number of these junk mail-looking pieces of crap to voters of color! The good news? Wisconsin allows same-day voter registration, and I think a lot of these voters of color are pissed.
Ho hum, bankster corporation buys hospital chain and its managers make a mint while their hospitals can't even buy basic supplies. They did it by loading up the hospital chain with debt (i.e., by buying up other hospitals), to the point where ambulances can't put gas on the company card and nurses don't have IV fluid on the floor because someone hasn't paid their bills. Meanwhile, Prospect's CEO has made over $125 million over the last few years. Nice work if you can get it! And Prospect Medical Holding's hospitals serve guess who? Mainly low-income working families. Right-wingers, please tell me again how expanding Medicare to include everyone is some unconscionable evil.
It begins: big corporate-funded PACs are funneling money to very far-right QAnon candidates. Expect this funding to increase dramatically (a word I'm using on purpose!) if Joe Biden manages to win this election and Democrats take our Senate while holding our House, because then a do-nothing Biden Administration will make fertile ground for a Republican takeover of Congress led by folks who make stupid Tea Partiers seem like Mensa members. (And no, I'm not impressed that Marjorie Greene opposes "never-ending wars in the Middle East" -- she's either lying or just another blind squirrel who's tripped over a nut.)
Our President has supposedly told his braintrust, such as it is, that he wants to ditch FBI Director Christopher Wray if he wins re-election. So, a far right-wing President wants to oust his somewhat less right-wing FBI director because he doesn't drag his knuckles on the ground enough. Would I be a more or less spiritually-advanced person if I laughed at the thought of our President's votaries squealing how dare Christopher Wray say antifa isn't a terrorist organization?
Finally, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, already facing a five-year-old securities fraud charge, now faces accusations of "improper influence, abuse of office, bribery and other potential crimes." Mr. Paxton is also the asshole who (among so, so many evil works!) constantly squealed about TEH VOTERZ FRAUDZ!!!! in 2018 as he was prosecuting a total of 33 defendants. Yeah, come back when you've got convictions, dude. If you're not in jail yourself by then!