Surprise, surprise, our Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (or CPB) won't tell our Congressfolk how they're managing to track good Americans without getting warrants. Because that would, what, put some undercover agent at risk? Of course not -- though it might put some big telecom corporations at risk of embarrassment, given that our CPB is gobbling up location data. Folks who whine about how being forced to wear masks outside is oppression: no, this is what oppression looks like.
Top Federal Elections Commission official has made no secret of her support of our President, and has close ties to former White House counsel Don McGahn, who used to be an FEC Commissioner. Our FEC hasn't expressly banned such shows of partisanship since 2011 -- because you can trust your government, after all! -- but anyone with a handful of functioning brain cells would tell you this is corruption. And Mr. McGahn's own notorious career at our FEC should remind you that Bush was worse.
Ho hum, White House lists "ending the COVID-19 pandemic" among our President's accomplishments, even as daily case numbers hit record highs. The other four highlights list no substantive accomplishments, either -- no, "eliminating regulations that stifle innovation" doesn't count, since his efforts to eliminate regulations usually die in court. Well, he's tried to take credit for curing AIDS, so why not the pandemic, too? Especially since his votaries will believe anything.
In a development that should surprise no one, University of Gothenberg (Sweden) study finds that the Republican Party "now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former centre-right equivalents in Europe." You'll know that's true merely by our President saying, out loud, that if so many people vote Republicans will never win elections again -- but you'll also know it's been a long time coming (as the study says) if you remember that Karl Rove started all this Voter ID crap after Republicans lost the 2006 midterms.
Finally, in the wake of an Omaha rally in which our President left hundreds of supporters in near-freezing temperatures for several hours because LOGISTICZ IZ FORZ TEH LOSERZ!!!!, a White House spokeshack goes on CNN, gets asked if our Vice President has "any pause" about doing a big rally in Wisconsin, where hospitals are straining to cope with a spike in COVID cases, and unfurls this flatugasm: "No, it doesn't. The Vice President has the best doctors in the world around him." Of course he acted like the question was all about Mike Pence, and not at all about the numerous would-be Wisconsin ralliers, who don't deserve to die from COVID-19.