Surprise, surprise, this most recent pandemic-inspired recession has hit poorer working families and folks of color harder than anyone else. Know why our President hasn't bragged about TEH LOWESTZ BLACKZ UNEMPLOYMENTZ EVAHZ!!!! lately? Because black folks ain't getting work again nearly as fast as whites are! Last hired, first fired, amirite? And why did the 1990, 2001, and 2008 recessions hit rich and poor more equally? Probably because the rich just don't care anymore.
Fresh off a shout-out from their President on Tuesday night, Portland police arrest a so-called "Proud Boy" on 12 charges, six of them felonies. If "Proud Boys" are so inclusive, then why do they just so happen to fight protestors against racist police brutality? It can't solely be because they just want the attention. There are a lot of ways to get attention.
Internal DHS documents advise federal law enforcement to tell media that Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse was just trying to help out small businesses when he shot three protestors dead. They also directed officials to say the Patriot Prayer group IZ NOTZ TEH RACISTZ!!!!! And seriously, "the star chamber of public opinion"? As if! These clowns spend all their time laughing at us, so they don't get to pretend to be afraid of us.
Unlike much of the rest of the world that can think for itself, our President thinks he won that first debate "big" (should I count it as restraint that he didn't say "bigly"?) and offers as evidence an unnamed "compilation of polls etc." I presume by "etc." he meant "my own opinion which is of course superior to all others, especially those that don't agree with mine." I mean, I don't know how else to read it.
Ho hum, alleged moderate/votary of "bipartisanship" Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) says of the first Presidential debate that "(t)here was fault on both sides," which will come as a surprise to any sentient life that actually watched it. And then she said "on both sides" again in the very next sentence, which does speak to a certain sense of desperation. Well, when your sorry act is exposed after so many years, I guess desperation is natural.
Finally, what is there to say about the recent New York Times expose of our President's debt and tax shenanigans that we haven't already said? I mean, yes, it's always good to have more data, but between the 2018 Times report exposing his utter dependence on his father's fortune and earlier reports that he received almost $900 million in tax breaks just from the city of New York alone over 40 years, well, gosh, I can't imagine how he'd ever win an election. Except for, you know, the persistent weakness of his Democratic opponents.