When I hear that our President claims the right to "put" "down" any riots that might occur after the upcoming election, I hasten to point out that after his victory in 2016, the violence came exclusively from the right, even though liberal protestors took to the streets almost immediately. I also point out that most of the violence following 2016 was of the spray-swastikas-on-statues variety; now that so many of our President's votaries cannot deny, in their heart of hearts, how awful he is, how much worse will they react this time, win or lose?
Factcheck.org evaluates fanciful tale of how nearly 20,000 fake IDs seized at Chicago airport means TEH VOTURZ FRAUDZ!!!!, and finds it wanting. Even our Bureau of Customs and Border Protection won't say the IDs are for "voter fraud," though they do list five other possible utilities the fake IDs might have. Illinois's Secretary of State office lists a sixth -- that the fake IDs help underage college kids get into bars -- and I think we'd all do well to apply Occam's Razor here.
Our President suggests that Joe Biden might be taking unnamed performance-enhancing drugs in order to appear more with-it. "That's what I hear," he says, because "hearing" stuff means never having to verify if it's true! You know, there could always be another explanation for Mr. Biden's poor debate performances early on: he's been faking infirmity in a long game of rope-a-dope. It's not a game I'd play; I would prefer dominating opponents, not least because too many liberals think they're too good to do that. Anyway, I guess we won't know more until after the next round of debates.
Another day, another Administration official saying that he tried to change CDC reports about COVID-19 so they'd put our President in a better light because he was fighting the "deep state." They really hope you can't tell the difference between lawful restrictions on Presidential power (i.e., not the "deep state") instead of bureaucratic attempts to ignore the express will of the American people (i.e., the "deep state" as described by Michael Glennon, among others). But, again, the President is not America, and I'm sure our "deep state" is quite pleased with him, since the defense contractor welfare is still flowing and corporate executives are concentrating shareholder power like they haven't in almost a century.
Finally, I suppose we should be thankful that Presidential confidant Roger Stone has provided (via his interview with Alex Jones) a helpful list of all the awful things our President could do if he loses on Election Day, ranging from seizing ballots in Nevada to using the Insurrection Act to arrest various enemies; it's the kind of histrionics that makes me wonder if our President really is a Democrat plant. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if our President just packs it in following a defeat -- not just because whining on Twitter for the next four years would be so much easier than having to follow through on a declaration of martial law, but also because it'll manufacture weeks of drama over the "betrayal" his supporters feel at his "abandonment" of them, followed by years of drama over their inevitable reconciliation.