Our Securities and Exchange Commission (or SEC) planned to vote on regulatory changes that would cripple vital whistleblower protections -- but cancelled the vote shortly before it would have taken place, which is what they usually do when they don't have enough pro-evil public comments. The SEC's proposed changes would have arbitrarily capped whistleblower rewards, hampered whistleblower reporting, and prevented our SEC from acting in certain legitimate circumstances; what would comments in favor of these changes look like? Please, SEC, shield banksters from the investors they try to screw over? But the important thing is there have never been enough comments favoring the changes, or else our SEC would have pushed through these changes last year, when they cancelled a vote on them after getting over 100,000 public comments opposing them. So let's keep up the pressure! The National Whistleblower Center helps you tell our SEC to reject its own proposed changes to its whistleblower program.
Meanwhile, defense contracting corporation MVM has made several hundred million dollars from our Bureau of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (or ICE) to detain over 100 migrants, with many children reportedly among their number. Apparently the best way to disappear these folks is to put them in a privately-held hotel, since detaining them in one of our notorious concentration camps would create, at least, a paper trail. And MVM says its workers can handle abuse reports, but their contract says they don't actually have to do anything about them! What would you say, if your money paid for all of this? Oh, wait, it did -- we don't fund defense contracts with bake sales, after all. And don't be put off by the notion that it's only a hundred migrants, because they'll do it to a thousand or a million if we don't stop them now. Hence we wield the Big Stick of Bad PR against the weakest link in this particular chain, as Sum of Us helps you tell Best Western to end its participation in this ongoing disgrace.
Finally, upon learning that our U.S. Postal Services Board of Governors Chair Robert M. Duncan also just so happens to direct a $130 million Super PAC aligned with Sen. Mitch McConnell (E-KY), Progress American helps you demand that Mr. Duncan resign his post on the USPS Board of Governors. The rot didn't start with Mr. DeJoy, it turns out! Is it against the law for Mr. Duncan to do both jobs? I'll bet it's not; folks like Mitch McConnell don't break the law so much as change the law so that it turns law-breaking into law-following! And your right-wing neighbor is no doubt already saying and you're surprised? But the fact that something's no surprise doesn't automatically make it tolerable! Time was nobody would serve in our government and run a campaign arm at the same time simply because it made people look corrupt! But our leaders care less and less about that every day -- and, sadly, so do many Americans, only because all the corruption has made them dizzy. Still, duty is duty.