You've heard that Democrats and Republicans are "negotiating" another COVID-19 stimulus bill? And you've heard Republicans say Democrats are "blocking" their efforts in some way or other? Don't believe the hype! Our House passed H.R. 6800, the HEROES Act, over four months ago already, and that bill's a good enough COVID-19 stimulus bill -- it would fund states and localities, it would fund COVID-19 testing and tracing, it would repeal hedge fund manager tax cuts, it would extend enhanced unemployment benefits, and it would issue another round of stimulus checks, among other things. So why haven't our Senators passed it? Oh, you know, because it doesn't give big corporations blanket immunity from COVID-19-related lawsuits, it doesn't expand three-martini lunch tax breaks, and it doesn't give Congress the power to gut Social Security without debate. I wish it were more complicated than that, but it's not, such is the intellectual vapidity of our opposition these days. So call your Senators and tell them to pass the HEROES Act. After all, why do they negotiate with each other like they're more important than we are?
Meanwhile, you've also no doubt heard by now that at least one OB/GYN at an ICE concentration camp in Georgia did so many hysterectomies there that one whistleblower called him "the uterus collector," but outrage doesn't mean much if it doesn't translate into results, hence Daily Kos helps you tell your House Reps to demand an investigation into alleged mass hysterectomies of immigrant detainees. Surely you won't have to convey the moral reasons for such an investigation -- though if you want to tell your Reps that great nations always treat immigrants with the dignity and compassion they deserve, go ahead! What could it hurt? -- but even the political calculations should not dissuade your House Reps from investigating this matter. Most people oppose cruelty, after all, and the pro-cruelty crowd (not that they'd ever describe themselves as such!) don't win elections without a lot of help from outside factors. Besides, all that hysteria about TEH CARAVANZ!!!! didn't exactly help Republicans keep their House majority in 2018, did it?
Finally, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to pass a "resolution of disapproval" that would block our President's Executive Order delaying the collection of the payroll taxes that fund Social Security, then Social Security Works still helps you do that. Make no mistake, this payroll tax "holiday" is no holiday for working families, and not just because so many of their employers aren't taking advantage of the "holiday," nor because working families will owe all that money when the "holiday" expires -- this "holiday" is absolutely a way to cut Social Security's funding to the bone, and our President has said this out loud. Yeah, he's also said he'd like to fund Social Security a different way, but what way will that be? It won't be by taxing his rich cronies, that's for sure! Don't believe any hype from Presidential votaries that blocking the payroll tax "holiday" would be "like a tax hike." It's literally not a tax hike to keep collecting the taxes everyone already knows they have to pay.