The VOTER FRAUDZ IZ REALZ!!!!! crowd must have been quite aroused at the news that one thousand "double-voters" may face charges in Georgia, but they ought to chill. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said a thousand Georgians face "investigation" because he probably already knows he won't be able to prosecute anywhere near that many (and n.b. that I said prosecute, not convict!). We don't know, for example, how many Georgia voters canceled their absentee ballot once they voted at the polling booth, which is perfectly legal, and we also don't know how many of that number filed a provisional ballot because the state couldn't verify whether it had received their absentee ballot yet, which is also perfectly legal. So the real number of prosecutions (which, again, are not convictions!) will almost certainly have fewer digits than the number Mr. Raffensperger announced on Tuesday.
Our President has apparently figured out that saying Pentagon officials "want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy" will not only a) divert attention from coverage of his stupid dead-soldiers-are-losers remark and b) snatch up some anti-war voters who aren't satisfied with the idea of voting for Joe Biden! I mean, I can't entirely blame them, and if you've ever met a Ron Paul fan who voted for Mr. Obama because the Republican alternative wasn't adequately Paulist, you'll know our President isn't being dumb here. Still, these Pentagon officials are the ones he put in there, and a man shouldn't get to slam defense spending after doing all that bragging about increasing defense spending. Also, too, we're still fighting wars all around the world.
You know how I say it's not a Congressional staffer's job to challenge us when we express our will? Well, at least one staffer in the office of Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) didn't get the memo, telling a three-time cancer survivor that no, you shouldn't be able to get health care if you can't afford it -- "(j)ust like if you want to go to the store and buy a new dress shirt, if I can’t afford that dress shirt, I don’t get to get it." Because needing chemotherapy is "just like" getting a new shirt! Ain't no apology from Sen. Tillis gonna wash that stain out -- even if this somehow isn't a case of like hiring like, you don't hire staffers that clueless because you just don't know what you're getting.
Our President adds 20 names to his list of possible Supreme Court nominees. His 2016 list definitely helped him win, and even now, rank-and-file Republicans who find him obnoxious-or-worse will more likely hold their nose if they know they're getting a Supreme Court Justice out of it, and that's true even if they've never heard of Amy Coney Barrett or Amul Thapar. Our President has challenged Joe Biden to put out a similar list, but that could backfire on him -- why wouldn't a list of folks like Goodwin Liu or Leah Ward Sears galvanize the liberals who find Mr. Biden wanting? Perhaps he's counting on Mr. Biden deciding putting out a list is beneath him, which isn't a bad calculation.
Finally, former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman cuts an ad endorsing Republican Susan Collins in the Maine Senate race, saying "I'm a lifelong Democrat but I put my country first." Because if there's anything our country needs, it's another fake "moderate" who never deviates from the party line when it matters and who only preaches "bipartisanship" when it means caving to Republicans! Seriously, though, let Republicans light $400,000 on fire hoping anyone still looks to Joe Lieberman (or Susan Collins!) as a beacon of anything. In fact, is there a way we can get them to spend more money on that ad? And maybe even spend it on TV?