If you've missed previous opportunities to call your Senators and tell them to pass H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (or HEROES) Act, well, now's as good a time as any! Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or the bottom of this page, if you're on a cellphone) to find your Senators' phone numbers; you might want to program all of your Senators' phone numbers (including their local ones) into your cellphone. No, seriously, sometimes I make 10 calls before anyone answers the phone, and that's when there's no pandemic! While you have them on the phone, you might also want to tell them to reject any effort to give "blanket immunity" from lawsuits to corporations relating to the pandemic, since that's the only thing Mitch McConnell seems to want to do. If it's truly a "frivolous" lawsuit, it'll die in court; what's the big deal? And be sure to mention all the good things the HEROES Act would do, like help fund states and localities, fund our Post Office, extend higher unemployment benefits, expand working family tax cuts, repeal a big hedge fund manager tax cut, and issue another round of (bigger) stimulus checks.
Meanwhile, the law nominally lets us sue public officials, including police officers, when they trample over our rights, but our Supreme Court has spent the last half-century-plus blowing a Mack truck-sized hole in the law in creating the doctrine of "qualified immunity," whereby courts can throw out lawsuits against government officials merely because the court hasn't heard such a case before, which sure takes "respecting precedent" to an unwarranted extreme. But H.R. 7085, the Ending Qualified Immunity Act, would prevent courts from dismissing cases against police officers after divining their' "good faith" or "reasonable" belief that their unlawful conduct was lawful, and it would also prevent them from throwing out cases merely because the defendants allege that "rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution or laws were not clearly established at the time of their deprivation by the defendant," since, actually, they are. Should we excuse evil merely because of good intentions? Of course not. Hence both Public Citizen and Defending Rights and Dissent both help you tell your Congressfolk to restore law and order by passing the Ending Qualified Immunity Act.
Finally, S. 3422, the Great American Outdoors Act, would not only fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund but would also establish a National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to help preserve our public lands. That's been a bigger deal to a lot of good Americans these last few months, as public parks are now often the only places still open if you feel like getting out of the house. As we all do! A man could look at the list of 59 Senators (out of 100) co-sponsoring this bill and be heartened that 15 of them are Republicans; 15 plus 47 in the Democratic caucus equals a filibuster-proof majority in favor of the bill! But alas, it's not a veto-proof majority, and if Mob Boss Mitch doesn't bring the bill up for a vote then it'll get zero votes, so Penn Environment helps you tell your Senators to support our public lands by passing the Great American Outdoors Act. Our President didn't veto the bill permanently establishing the Land and Water Conservation Act, but then again, the Senate passed that bill 92-8 and the House passed it 363-62. We might need those kinds of numbers again, and we won't get them if we sit on our hands.