Just Foreign Policy joins with Change.org to help you tell your House Reps to reintroduce a War Powers resolution to end our unconstitutional involvement in the war on Yemen. As you may recall, both House and Senate passed such a War Powers resolution in 2019, but not by a large enough margin to overcome a Presidential veto, and if you're wondering why we're bothering to try again, remember that a) right is right and duty is duty and b) just as the Saudi/UAE war on Yemen has pushed good Yemeni citizens to the brink of famine, the coronavirus pandemic threatens to wreak even more havoc, and the war has crippled Yemen's ability to respond to the pandemic. Our President will veto it again, and probably complain about having to tear himself away from Fox and Friends to do it, but I always say make him do it -- make him create more bad karma for himself and those who'd follow him off a cliff.
Meanwhile, Avaaz helps you tell G20 world leaders to offer debt relief to the nations of Asia, Africa, and South America. Why? Because the coronavirus pandemic will get there eventually, too, and developing nations sure could use a break. How will good folks packed into slums be able to afford good health care, or any health care, in these lands? If that voice in your head still says but everyone should pay their debts, please consider that the developed nations of the world kinda forced these loans on developing nations so that they could be more like them and less like themselves. All for free markets! And debt relief is not exactly unprecedented in the world, not just if you've heard of the word "jubilee," but if you've attended recent history -- even the IMF forgave $100 million in loans after ebola worked its will. So many of us are being so generous these days, and our leaders should be more like us.
Finally, with the first detainee in an ICE concentration camp recently testing positive for the coronavirus, Amnesty International helps you tell our government to ensure that all immigrants and asylum-seekers in custody get the medical care they need in order to survive this pandemic. Like our prisoners, these detainees also live in conditions that'll make the virus spread a lot faster than normal, plus they don't get very good care there, and they are human beings, after all. So please don't be the fool who says well what about our own people? Literally no one has advocated putting folks in concentration camps ahead of everyone else! We merely demand that America be the great nation we say it is by treating everyone as if they're important. That is the promise of America, after all. Either we mean that promise we make, or we're just another ignorant and arrogant nation about to fall into the ashheap of history.