Daily Kos helps you tell our Department of Housing and Urban Development (or HUD) to disburse Congressionally-appropriated hurricane funds to Puerto Rico. Yes, once again, we have to tell our President to obey the law -- if Congress says spend money on X, the President has to do it, no matter how thin-skinned he is when Puerto Rican government officials criticize him. Seriously, must drama guide every decision a President makes? And I know, he's gotten away with his refusal to disburse money to the Ukraine until it investigated one of his political opponents, but right is right and duty is duty. And you can't discount the possibility that our President wants Puerto Rico to continue to suffer so that banksters can come in and steal all of the island's money, again. In fact, we really should assume that's the endgame! But that doesn't mean we put up with it -- after all, it could happen to any of us, particularly if we don't deliver our electoral votes to this President in 2020.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to pass H.R. 2694, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, then Moms Rising still helps you do that. No this bill will not be a "boon to trial lawyers" or "impose undue burdens on small businesses" -- and anyway, right-wingers who would complain that way love trial lawyers when they're working for them, and love using small businesses as a human shield against any effort to make big corporations do the right thing. And, seriously, forcing big corporations to make reasonable accommodations to their pregnant workers isn't a "burden." Forcing big corporations not to discount a pregnant worker's job application merely because they're pregnant isn't a "burden." And forcing big corporations not to retaliate against workers for getting pregnant isn't a "burden." For right-wingers, burdens only ever seem to exist on big corporations that already pay a lower rate in taxes than people do and already get more welfare handouts than we'll ever see. But they don't get all the say around here.
Finally, if you're sick and tired of our Administration going out of their way to allow big corporations to discriminate against gay and transgender folks out of "religious" "conscience," then Daily Kos helps you tell Congress to pass legislation that would nullify all of this Administration's human rights rollbacks. Our Administration may think our Supreme Court now allows anyone who claims to have a "religious" "conscience" to discriminate against anyone they want, but, actually, it doesn't -- the notorious Hobby Lobby ruling actually only allows closely-held corporations (i.e., corporations with only a few shareholders, who might be family members) to exercise such "conscience." Granted, our Court may just be waiting for the case that would allow them to expand that exemption so that everyone gets to pretend they're discriminating because Supply Side Jesus said to. Still, let's not let our Administration pretend it's open season on everyone's rights.