If you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to enact Medicare for All health insurance, then Public Citizen still helps you do that. Public Citizen also encourages you to share with your Congressfolk any stories of outrageous medical bills you've received, like the folks who've received bills for tens of thousands of dollars for a mere colonoscopy or close to a million dollars for the surgeries resulting from a surgeon's error. I really don't like to persuade with mere anecdotes, but surely these weigh at least as much as the desperate rubbish coming from right-wingers about how Obamacare oppresses them, or someone they know, or someone they heard about, or someone they made up. No one has any standing to whine about patients left to die by Big Gummint health care when big health insurance corporations leave patients to die all the time -- and sometimes try to extort them when they don't leave them to die. Seriously, our government can't possibly do a worse job than private corporations have done.
Meanwhile, both the Sierra Club and the Union for Concerned Scientists help you tell your Congressfolk to pass a defense spending bill that curtails military use of ubiquitous and dangerous PFAS chemicals. You've probably heard that Congressional Democrats are getting a bit wobbly about including defense bill amendments curbing use of PFAS-laden firefighting foam, so you might be thinking it's no use telling them to have some courage. But this is exactly the time to communicate your will to your Reps and Senators! Particularly over something that has actually attracted bipartisan support! But then, Democrats generally wouldn't recognize real bipartisanship if it slapped them across the face, though they sure seem to understand the fake "bipartisanship" of both parties coming together to do whatever their big donors want, which, apparently, is more PFAS and more health problems for our soldiers and their families. And this is why our Congressfolk need us to get in their grills -- someone needs to put the steel in their spines.