Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Congressfolk to investigate how much taxpayer money (i.e., our money) is flowing right into our President's pockets. You'll recall how he planned to hold the next G20 summit at one of his own hotels, until popular outcry forced him to do differently, and you may also recall him saying that he's not "supposed to hate" the Saudi Arabian citizens who drop buku bucks at his hotels; even from these two examples, we can see the necessity of determining exactly how corrupt this President might be. The more cynical among us will no doubt chortle that we shouldn't be "surprised" he would do that, but remember that people who say "and you're surprised?" are advertising their own cynicism, and cynicism is evil. (They're also trying to tell you how much better they are than you, and you certainly don't have to take that.) We take it as gospel that politicians shouldn't profit from public service, because that warps the service they give to the public, and we shouldn't carve out an exception for arrogant billionaires.
In a peripherally-related note, Demand Progress helps you tell your Congressfolk to protect the Ukraine whistleblower's identity from our President and his cronies. Our President has repeatedly demanded that the public know the identity of the individual who first reported on that infamous phone call to the Ukraine President, but our first job as civilized people is to protect the whistleblower's identity from folks who might decide to threaten or kill said whistleblower. And no, this has literally nothing to do with our President's habeus corpus rights -- he has the right, as an American citizen, to confront his accuser in a court of law, but he has no right to out his accuser so his votaries can take matters into their own hands. This is exactly the risk every whistleblower takes when they confront the abuse of power, whether in government or the private sector. And as civilized people, we either protect those who confront the abuse of power, or we lose the right to call ourselves civilized. It's that simple.
Our Nuclear Regulatory Commission (or NRC) would loosen regulations governing storage of radioactive waste, because what stimulates an economy more than letting some corporation bury nuclear waste in a shallow pit near an aquifer providing drinking water to good Americans? Sadly, too many Americans agree with big corporations that regulations are for LOOZERZ!!!!!, and when their loved ones get cancer from drinking the local water, they just blame Black Lives Matter or something. But the best part of all this? Our NRC is apparently considering changing the rules just so one waste management corporation in Texas can accept the most radioactive materials even though they don't have a license to handle them! Corruption isn't just about abusing the process to harass your potential opponents, or about redirecting taxpayer money to corporations you own, it's also about deforming the rules so your cronies can benefit. Hence Public Citizen helps you tell our NRC to reject its plan to loosen nuclear waste storage regulations.