You've no doubt heard, by now, that our Department of Health and Human Services's Inspector General has found that our Administration separated "thousands" more migrant children from their families than we had previously known, and that our Administration has done a bad job even keeping track of the families they've separated, likely because they don't care. OK, as far as I know, the Inspector General didn't speculate about whether or not our Administration cares, but obviously they don't. Still, duty is duty, so Moms Rising helps you tell your Congressfolk and Department of Homeland Security Secretary-for-now Kirstjen Nielsen to reunite every last child they've separated with their families. Anything else would be cruel, and it takes rather little moral fiber to notice it's cruel -- which means our Administration has no moral fiber whatsoever. But they're not the boss of us, so we don't have to take it.
Meanwhile, Free Press helps you tell big tech corporation CEOs not to sell facial recognition software to our local, state, and federal governments. Why? Well, for one thing, our governments don't regulate the use of such software to protect our privacy, and for another thing, facial recognition software does a pretty bad job recognizing faces -- which is, you know, its purpose, as evidenced by the moniker "facial recognition software" -- to the point where it confuses members of our Congressional Black Caucus with suspected criminals. Starting to think that racism might be a feature, not a bug? Hey, you'd be naive not to! And, seriously, too many people think machines are the answer to all our problems. Machines are the answer to only one "problem," that of paying human beings to do jobs that human beings do best, and that's a "problem" only CEOs have. And they don't get all the say around here!