You've been on a Greyhound bus, right? Well, Greyhound has lately gotten justly-bad PR by announcing that it'll continue to let Border Patrol agents board buses and harass non-white citizens without probable cause. Don't let right-wingers tell you TEH LIBRULZ WANTZ TEH IMMIGRANTZ TO RUN TEH FREEZ!!!!!, because if Border Patrol boards a Greyhound bus with a warrant, of course Greyhound should cooperate. Why do you suppose they'd come on board without a warrant? Because our government, from Tha Bush Mobb forward, has pretended that warrants are just an impediment to law enforcement doing its work. Hello! Getting a warrant is law enforcement doing its work! And using the spectre of TEH IMMIGRANTZ AND TEH CRIMEZ!!!! to justify breaking down protections that have helped sustain a civilized society for over two centuries is short-sighted at best and racist at worst. Hence the ACLU helps you tell Greyhound to (in the ACLU's colorful phrasing) "stop throwing passengers under the bus."
Meanwhile, our nuclear regulatory commission (or NRC) plans to start a federal nuclear waste dump in Andrews County, Texas. The NRC floated this plan once before, only to decide (after multitudinous negative public comments) not to pursue it, but in These Interesting Times, no idea is so awful that it can't pop up again and again like a zombie in desperate need of a head shot, so here we are again. If you're wondering how they're going to have a nuclear waste dump in one spot when we have nuclear power plants all over our country, well, they're going to transport nuclear waste by rail, which would be a splendid idea if trains never got into accidents. But wait, there's more! The Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water to millions of heartland Americans, ain't far away from the proposed dump site, so add "anyone who wants to drink clean water" to the list of Americans who should oppose this plan, which Public Citizen helps you do.
Finally, the USMCA trade agreement, which would replace the hated NAFTA, does some good -- particularly in its (eventual) dismantling of the hated "investor-state dispute settlement" (or ISDS) system between the U.S. and Canada and the drastic curtailing of the ISDS system with Mexico. ISDS, as you know, allows foreign investors to take us to court whenever they claim our laws have "cost them money," and allows them to nullify our laws and exact tribute from the taxpayer when an ISDS tribunal finds in their favor. That's the sort of thing that should be offensive to any law-abiding citizen, particularly now that we are acutely aware of how little work investors actually do anymore. But USMCA could be better -- it could push for better enforcement of its clean air/clean water/worker safety provisions, and could eliminate corporate welfare handouts to big pharma corporations. So Public Citizen helps you tell your Congressfolk to make a better trade deal with Canada and Mexico.