As you may know, prisoners all over America are going on strike -- with sit-ins, work stoppages, boycotts of commissaries, and even hunger strikes -- to call attention to the various indignities we visit upon them. No, we should not mistreat our prisoners, regardless of what they've done at least not if we're going to call ourselves civilized people. And if we're going to be the greatest nation on Earth, we should be confident enough in ourselves to treat prisoners humanely, and not least because it's the best way to rehabilitate them. Hence Roots Action helps you tell your Congressfolk to listen to, and implement, the demands of the prison strikers. Your Congressfolk will find a lot of these -- paying prisoners in prevailing wages and not dung pellets, for example -- to be very difficult to accept, and some may have public tantrums about it, since, you know, it's OK because our President does that. But you're bigger than they are, so don't let that cow you.
Meanwhile, our Department of Education has proposed rules that would actually hinder good Americans' ability to get loans forgiven after predatory colleges rip them off. Because for-profit colleges are more important than Americans, apparently! I'm old enough to remember when my parents would laugh whenever an ad came on TV for a for-profit college, for back then, for-profit colleges were virtually synonymous with thieves. What has changed in the intervening years? They've bought themselves a gaggle of politicians, that's what! You may well be saying to yourself, self, why bother leaving public comments with a Department of Education that's just going to ignore them? I don't blame you for asking! Here's the answer: because they may break laws in ignoring the popular will, and we can get them in court if they do. Hence Consumers Union helps you tell our Department of Education not to make it so much harder for students to get relief from predators.