I still don't have a bill number for the proposed "resolution of disapproval" that would repeal the FCC's recent "Restoring Internet Freedom for Corporations and Certainly Not for You Little People" rule (which, as you can probably tell from my exaggerated title, itself repealed the FCC's 2015 net neutrality rules), but you should still get on the horn with your Senators and tell them to support such a resolution. The resolution reportedly has 50 votes -- all 49 Senate Democrats plus Republican Susan Collins of Maine -- and only needs one more to pass the Senate. You can find phone numbers for your Senators using the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or beneath this post, if you're on a smartphone) -- and you can also find tools for those Republicans Senators you hope might join the struggle, a thin hope, to be sure, but John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) occasionally get it in their heads to piss off the Trump Administration. Send Mr. McCain a get-well wish if you call him, since he's not presently well enough to even vote on bills.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to send a public comment to the Trump Administration demanding that they reverse their plan to open up all the coasts except those of their cronies' to expanded oil and gas drilling, then Environmental Action still helps you do that. What does expanded oil and gas drilling do? It gives us more oil and gas, in theory anyway, but we hardly need more of that choking off our clean air and muddying our clean water -- we need more renewable energy development in America, even as renewable energy sources like solar and wind are starting to become competitive price-wise with oil and gas. And if you responded to that sentence with a ha! If they're competitive, why do they need Big Gummint's help? Ha ha ha you liberals suck!, well, congratulations, because you're the moron who just told my audience why oil and gas don't need all the Big Gummint handouts, either. Thanks for playing, though, and remember to wipe off your screen.