Congress is back to work, such as they do, and House Speaker Ryan has been saying for weeks now that he wants to "rein in" Medicare costs, which, as we know, is right-wing code for "destroy Medicare." Other right-wingers have expressed glee at the thought of destroying Social Security and Medicaid, too. Having just blown a $1.5 trillion hole in the federal deficit with their latest corporate tax cut giveaway, they got some cojones coming to us and saying they can't give us the benefits we've earned with our hard work. And when I talk of earned benefits, I include Medicaid, too -- if you get laid off by your Ayn Rand-worshiping CEO and suddenly find yourself faced with a choice between no job and a low-paying job, you might need Medicaid. Hence CREDO helps you tell your Congressfolk not to cut or privatize or otherwise hurt Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Because when they hurt those things after all, they hurt us. And you can't just keep hurting us and get away with it.
But Congress has another way to injure Social Security, by cutting the Social Security Administration's budget. They've been hacking away at it for years, all while President Obama nattered on about the need to compromise with political "realities," but in cutting the Social Security Administration budget, we're depriving our seniors -- and we're all going to be seniors one day, right? -- of the good services they deserve, services they've worked for and paid into all their lives. Here's a better idea: hire enough folks to ensure that our seniors don't have to wait in line all day, or wait on the phone all day, or wait years, sometimes, to get a ruling on a claim. And WHEREZ WILLZ YOU FINDZ TEH MONEYZ!!!! is a question no one who supported that hateful tax bill has any standing to ask. So Action Network helps you tell your Congressfolk to stop cutting the Social Security Administration's budget.
Finally, as you know, the FCC repealed its 2015 Open Internet order last month, thus paving the way for big telecomm corporations to start blocking and throttling your favorite websites, or exacting tribute from you to see those websites -- but we don't have to sit back and take it, as Rep. Doyle (D-PA) and Sen. Markey (D-MA) are preparing a "resolution of disapproval" that would reverse the FCC's decision to repeal its own net neutrality standards. I still don't have a bill number for either iteration of the bill, but word on the street is that 29 Senators have already signed on as co-sponsors, and per the Congressional Review Act we only need 30 to force a vote on the matter. Now, even if the bill passes both Houses, and that won't be easy, since President Trump would still have to sign it, which, given his evil proclivities, isn't likely. Still, it's our duty to do the right thing, and to pressure our government to do the right thing, so Free Press helps you tell your Senators to support a "resolution of disapproval" that would overturn the FCC's recent decision to restrict our freedom on the internet.