"Foreign corporations shouldn't have the power to change our laws," reads the first sentence of Food and Water Watch's latest email in my inbox, and there, in 10 words, you have the most compelling reason to tell your Congressfolk to demand trade agreements that protect us from untrammeled corporate power, as Sign for Good helps you do. We speak, of course, of the hated "investor-state tribunal," which allows corporations to sue America for "causing it to lose money" by passing laws that, for example, force them to spend their own money to clean up any mess they cause in our air or water -- which not only means they can nullify our laws, but they can demand tribute from the taxpayer as "compensation" for the "harm" we supposedly caused them. President Bigballs, of course, decided against demanding an end to the "investor-state tribunal" in NAFTA -- and his very own hand-picked Commerce Secretary said, out loud, that he'd like NAFTA to look more like the hated TPP. So you know what that means: it's up to us to stop it.
Meanwhile, President Trump's got a jones for getting transgendered soldiers out of the military, supposedly since their health care is "so costly," though not really, since, as you may recall, a year's worth of health care for transgendered soldiers costs less than flying the President to his Mar-a-Lago getaway every weekend for a month. But an actually-bipartisan group of Senators have introduced legislation that would prohibit our Department of Defense from discharging soldiers (or preventing them from re-enlisting) solely because they're transgendered. I won't lie, it sure is nice to see Sen. McCain (R-AZ) saying "we should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country," not seven years after mouthing stupid platitudes against letting gays serve in our military. Still, Congress needs to act -- which means we need to act. So Freedom for All Americans helps you tell your Congressfolk to support defense and oppose discrimination by keeping transgendered troops in our military.
Finally, with all the horrible storms we've had, and will continue to have, Environmental Action helps you tell your Congressfolk to fund the Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) fully, so we can properly deal with the damage from these "once in a lifetime" storms. There are plenty of other reasons to fund the EPA fully -- hey, you need boots on the ground if you're going to stop corporations from spewing filth into our air and water! -- but certainly the power of these elephantine hurricanes to (for example) flood toxic waste dumps carries with it the sort of urgency that should convince your Congressfolk. Hurricane Harvey itself flooded more than a dozen toxic waste sites in Texas alone, and the weather sure in hell ain't gonna be done with us anytime soon. (The email tool specifically asks you to oppose President Trump's proposed EPA budget cuts, but you can amend the wording, if you like, to tell them to increase EPA funding.)