Sum of Us helps you tell our government that any renegotiated NAFTA absolutely can not have an "investor-state dispute settlement" mechanism. Why? Because the ISDS (a.k.a. the "investor-state tribunal") allows corporations to sue governments if the laws they pass cost those corporations money -- and then extract tribute from the taxpayer if it wins! That is exactly the sort of thing that should unify law-and-order conservatives and law-and-order liberals -- I can't think of anyone who would want a multinational trade agreement to interfere with how we legislate in America. This is true even though the laws corporations would most likely sue over are laws protecting our workers, our financial system, and our clean air and clean water -- real conservatives are no less concerned about these things than liberals are, though they may insist on achieving positive results differently. But the "conservative" or "liberal" who'd applaud a system that nullifies our laws, is no kind of conservative or liberal at all.
Meanwhile, Amnesty International helps you tell the government of Bahrain to release human rights activist Ebtisam al-Saegh. Bahrain, as you know, detains and tortures activists, bans them from traveling, and even occasionally strips them of their citizenship -- plus they won't let independent human rights observers in, almost like they have something to hide! Bahrain has detained Ms. al-Saegh many times over the years, but most recently in early July, after she spoke out on Twitter about the horrible conditions (including torture and rape) faced by female detainees at the Isa Town detention center. And now they've apparently been inflicting these conditions upon her, though she's officially "under investigation" for, you guessed it, "terrorism," and will be detained until the "investigation" "concludes." Of course, any government so "terrorized" by free speech deserves to die a humiliating death, so let's fight for Ms. al-Saegh.
Finally, President Trump will decide by early next week whether to end DACA, the Obama-era program lessening the possibility of deportation of children who were brought to America by undocumented immigrant parents -- 10 state Attorneys General have threatened to sue him if he doesn't end it, though, you know, maybe he likes being held hostage as little as the rest of America does! Or maybe he'll be mindful of how much his CEO friends would hate it if he terminated DACA. Nah -- as I've said before, hoping Mr. Trump will do the right thing is fool's gold, and worse, it hampers us from telling Mr. Trump to do the right thing, which is our job as citizens. So the Friends Committee for National Legislation helps you tell Mr. Trump to keep deferring deportation for innocent young folks who contribute to American society. After all, punishing good people who had no say in whether or not they came to America is cruel, and we should never be cruel. And please understand that when I say "never," I mean never.