DHS spokeshack says President Trump didn't condemn Nazi wannabes on Sunday because he didn't want to "dignify" them. You know, the way foreign terrorists and his Twitter critics obviously need to be "dignified," since Mr. Trump never shuts his yap about them. Somewhere, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan still await his next "pivot," and the "liberal" media still awaits the moment they can say that "Donald Trump became President today" and a large number of Americans might actually believe it. (But see the last paragraph, below, for the most likely way that latter item would occur.)
Of course Fox and Friends thinks President Trump "nailed it" with his cowardly blanket condemnation that utterly failed to single out the fools who were actually responsible for Saturday's violence. You remember when Black Lives Matter activists ran over a bunch of white counter-protestors, or when police officers fired rubber bullets and tear gas and water cannons at Nazi wannabes? No, you don't. And "the reason those people were out there"? Clearly, they were out there because they wanted everyone to see them soil their diapers.
The Indianapolis Star finds that state and local Republican officials have done their damndest to extend early voting in Republican areas and cut it in Democratic ones. So when right-wingers say that early voting creates fraud and that Election Day should be the only day anyone votes, how will they justify these maneuvers in Indiana? I kid, of course -- fuck you I won is the only justification right-wingers have for doing anything.
Courtesy the Economic Policy Institute, we have yet more data that corporations don't pay the 35% corporate tax rate, and thus should stop their whining about how the tax rate doesn't make them appropriately "competitive" overseas, or how it prevents them from creating jobs. Citizens for Tax Justice puts the effective corporate tax rate (i.e., the portion of their profits corporations actually pay in taxes) at 19.4%, while the GAO puts the rate at 14%. A third estimate from 2014 puts it even lower. But please, right-wingers, go on about TEH HIGHEST OF TEH TAX RATEZ IN TEH WORLDZ!!!!!
President Trump runs a campaign ad simultaneously boasting about his "achievements" and attacking his critics. So the 46% President has now accomplished the feat of strutting around like he won 66% and whining like he won 26% in the space of thirty seconds. And psst: President Obama created over 2 million jobs in 2016. And the stock market measures speculation more than anything else. And Mr. Trump still ain't gotten a single bill passed that's helped Americans -- in fact, he's only gotten bills passed that have hurt us.
Finally, Trump Administration aides are predicting a "brutal" September for the Administration, given the many issues (the debt ceiling and a federal budget resolution chief among them) the Administration will have to navigate. Well, sounds like the time is right for a terrorist attack to take everyone's mind off those pesky issues and get them to love and worship Dear Leader! Hey, it got George W. Bush a second term, and his first term wasn't going so great either when it happened.