It's been a while since I've reminded everyone that the secondary reason Hillary Clinton lost (i.e., after "because centrists don't inspire anybody") was widespread voter suppression at the state level, so here's Greg Palast to write about Voter ID laws and the Interstate Crosscheck database on the occasion of Mr. Trump creating a "Voter Integrity Commission." I wonder how many folks named Kris Kobach are on voter rolls across this great land of ours. I mean, any of them could be voting twice on Election Day, right? That is the logic behind Mr. Kobach's Interstate Crosscheck, which helps unscrupulous state officials deregister folks with similar names -- and they don't even check middle names!
Janine Jackson at FAIR reminds us that "Big Media Need to Fight for the Right to Protest." Even in these times, that's a big hope, but let us contemplate not just the recent arrest of a journalist at the West Virginia courthouse for the nefarious crime of asking HHS Secretary Price the same question a couple of times, and the conviction of a Code Pink activist for laughing, but also the dozens of folks still being charged with Rioting While Wearing Black on Mr. Trump's inauguration day.
From the Economic Policy Institute we learn that wage theft deprives minimum-wage workers of $15 billion annually. That's just minimum-wage workers, too! Now right-wingers will quickly respond TAHT PROVEZ TEH MINIMUM WAGEZ DON'TZ WORKZ!!!!!, a logic they never used back when abortion was illegal. Also, too, that's $15 billion that would likely have gone right back into the economy, and kept a lot of minimum wage workers from utilizing state and federal welfare programs, meaning that preventing wage theft also saves the taxpayer money.
Surprise, surprise, the Dakota Access pipeline springs its first leak, dumping out 84 gallons of crude oil in South Dakota. And it happened over a month ago! And it's not even lugging large amounts of oil yet! And dig the state environmental scientist calling it a "release"! But then, who cares about clean drinking water for 17 million heartland Americans? President Trump demands tribute!
Finally, speaking of The Great Man, there he is suggesting that maybe we shouldn't have press conferences anymore because it's impossible for his spokeshacks to achieve "perfect accuracy." I'd be more sympathetic if the "liberal" media were hitting his Administration on rounding errors, but over the reason Mr. Trump sent his bodyguard to fire Mr. Comey? Waaaaaaah! That's our President -- so much stronger than those loser liberals, yet too weak to account to a largely pliant national press. So when's that terrorist attack coming?