S. 863, the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, and H.R. 1932, the Corporate EXIT Fairness Act, would go a long way toward preventing corporations from pretending they're "foreign" corporations so they can avoid paying taxes here in America. Taxes pay for things, as you know, so when corporations pretend they're "foreign," they cheat good Americans out of bridges, libraries, police, schools, and firefighters, among the many good services we expect from our tax dollars. Of course you know what your Republican Reps and Senators will say in response? They sure won't say "let the corporations avoid paying taxes," because that would be awfully silly. Instead, they'll tell us that it's no wonder corporations offshore their profits, because they're taxed so much here (which, of course, isn't true, given that a little over half of Fortune 500 corporations received almost half a trillion dollars in tax breaks over the last eight years), or they'll say they're waiting to see what comes out of Mr. Trump's tax reform efforts, which could be, like, forever from now. I suggest you call your Reps and Senators, using the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or on the bottom of this page, if you're using a cellphone), and tell them to support S. 863 and H.R. 1932, and stop corporations from offshoring their profits just to avoid paying taxes.
Meanwhile, Pennsylvania's junior U.S. Senator, Patrick J. Toomey, has gotten quite the reputation in Pennsylvania for not holding public town hall meetings, a habit that's received much more scrutiny as of late, as Republicans across America try to avoid the wrath of their constituents as often as they can. But Mr. Toomey can claim to be something of a pioneer in this field, since he hasn't held a live town hall since 2013; one does wonder why his Democratic opponent, Katie McGinty, didn't make much of this four short months ago, and one suspects, unfortunately, that she didn't really want to hold them, either, being cut from the same corporate centrist cloth as the Democratic Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. But there is only one reason you avoid your constituents the way Mr. Toomey has: you're selling them out and you don't want to face them after you sell them out. And perhaps not coincidentally, Mr. Toomey's record has thus far been one of siding with his big donors and ignoring the needs of regular Pennsylvanians. Hence this Change.org petition, which helps you tell Mr. Toomey to start holding live town halls with live people in them. (No, his "tele-town halls" don't count -- he can screen questions and, more importantly, not actually face anyone.)