Ho hum, Comcast-owned media outlet runs positive article about app literally hours after Comcast sinks half a billion dollars into said app, without disclosing this fact. That's yet another good argument against corporations owning other corporations! Also, too, why are we covering corporate valuations like they're sporting events? Even if you're not actually invested in Snapchat (and your pension fund might be!), you might still be affected by its stock crashing, and more so than by your football team losing.
Sen. Shelby (R-AL) suggests Republicans might be able to get big chunks of Dodd-Frank reform repealed through budget reconciliation. And all the right-wingers who squealed like pigs when Democrats used reconciliation to pass Obamacare rose at once and shouted Sen. Shelby down! I kid, of course. And, ah, there might be a reason Congress hasn't foregrounded these pro-bankster efforts, while ensuring Obamacare repeal takes up all the oxygen in the room. (That reason would be "because the people would hate them.")
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) suggests Democrats might be willing to shut down our government if Republicans won't help them get to the bottom of President Trump's Russian ties. Jesus Mary and Joseph that is one of the stupidest things Democrats could possibly do. I can think of far, far better reasons to allow a government shutdown, and certainly I'd never allow it over something that would never have happened if Democrats were really the party of the people -- not to mention something that damages Mr. Trump more by the minute.
Here's something that almost escaped my notice: Sanderson Farms has begun to run ads suggesting that those corporations who are cutting out antibiotics from their chickens are merely indulging in a "marketing gimmick" that is "just a trick to get you to pay more money." And if antibiotic abuse really does bring about a world where the next cut you get can kill you again, there may not be many of us left to tell Sanderson Farms "I told you so." But I bet they'll still be around, feeling no shame over their enabling of civilization's destruction.
Finally, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wants to pass a law mandating that all Presidential candidates for 2020 release their tax returns. He says that would include Mr. Trump "if" he runs for re-election, but surely Mr. Graham knows that Mr. Trump has already filed re-election papers with the FEC, which I guess raises the possibility that his team would regard such a law as a sort of "bill of attainder" for Mr. Trump, which of course the Constitution prohibits. I'm sure Mr. Graham knows that, too, which makes all of this yet more bad theatre from the Republicans.