The deadline is tomorrow to tell the EPA to lock in its auto fuel efficiency standards, which the Environmental Defense Fund helps you do. As you may recall, the EPA recently completed a legally-mandated review of the standards it issued a few years ago, and we feared the EPA might loosen the fuel standards, even though they save good Americans money at the gas pump and save good Americans from breathing so much dirty air, but the EPA has determined that it would prefer to keep the standards where they are. Still, they're taking public comments on the matter, and we'd do best to assert our will here, again, because you know the objectively pro-pollution forces on the right will be asserting their will. Sane and reasonable people would, of course, never put some oil corporation CEO's "right" to gild the plumbing in their 19th vacation home above our right to breathe clean air and pay less money for gasoline, nor would sane and reasonable people accept the absurd notion that all government regulations are bad and corporations are better left to regulate their own behavior. Sadly, we are entering yet another era where sane and reasonable people will have to speak out louder to even be heard, and so we better get some practice in.
I think this will be the last action alert of 2016. Thieves in the Temple will be back to kick 2017's ass early next week, very likely with some action alerts about Social Security and Medicare, since Republicans seem so hot to destroy both of these -- but also with some advice that I think will help focus your mind and heart when you contemplate how to handle the coming horror of the Trump Administration. In the meantime, thanks, as always, for reading -- and thanks for doing something, too.