If you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called "composite bill," which would let pension trustees slash workers' benefits even at healthy pension funds, then the Pension Rights Center still helps you do that. As you may know, Congress has only funded our government through this coming Friday, and you know what that means: they'll use that artificial deadline to take all kinds of things hostage so they can get even more unearned money for their big donors, and their big donors have their sights on pension funds all over America, because that's about all that's left for them to raid. Of course, calling it the "composite" bill is a bit of a stroke of genius, I suppose -- it sounds obtuse, and would fly under the radar even better than a bill they actually called a "pension reform" bill or (God forbid!) a "jobs" bill. Still, if it didn't fly under your radar (and now it hasn't!), you need to talk to your Congressfolk with a quickness. And don't believe the hype about "underfunded pensions," not just because it's built on scare numbers, but because we've heard it for decades and it's starting to sound like crying wolf.
Meanwhile, I suppose the "liberal" media has been starting to catch on that calling dung "alt-meatloaf" doesn't make it not dung, but still, Free Press helps you tell our media outlets to stop calling racists, sexists, and homophobes "alt-right." Aside from the simple fact that civilized people do not coddle racists, sexists, and homophobes, aside from the simple fact that calling them "alt-right" makes them seem warmer and fuzzier than they really are, it's not at all like these racists, sexists, and homophobes are actually doing anything new -- "heiling" Donald Trump isn't even new in a nation where the neo-Nazi movement was already well-known enough by the late '70s that it was a major part of the plot of The Blues Brothers -- and thus they certainly don't deserve a term like "alt" to describe what they're doing. Oh, I know Steve "Don't Call Me Racist" Bannon wants you to think it's all about economics, but it's not -- it's all about getting racists a "safe space" (that's one of them talking, not me! Really!) to "be themselves." But you can't just "be yourself" when "being yourself" means trampling all over other people's rights. Civilized people understand that.
Finally, Roots Action helps you tell the Washington Post to retract its recent and not-very-well-sourced article alleging that about 200 news websites across the ideological spectrum are "routine peddlers of Russian propaganda." Of course, this is the Age of Trump, which (like the Age of Bush!) means never having to say you're sorry even when you really should, but we can still pressure the Post to retract its "reporting," much of which, apparently, depended on a website named PropOrNot, whose executive director wouldn't allow himself to be quoted by name for the article. That's never a good sign, nor is it a good sign that several individuals associated with the groups PropOrNot lately called "allies" stepped forward to wonder how they became "allies." As with all we've been hearing about "news bubbles," you have to wonder if the Post's real problem isn't "fake news," but their ever-loosening control over all news. And of course the "liberal" media cares little about actual propaganda outlets like Fox News, but about sites like Counterpunch, Naked Capitalism and the Ron Paul Institute. Sad!