The New York Times reports that Donald Trump declared a loss of $916 millionany income taxes for the following 18 years. Apparently this figure was so unbelievable that even Mr. Trump's tax preparer's software choked on it. What you don't get enough of from Democrats, of course, is why it's wrong not to pay your taxes for 20 years -- they ought to describe the diseases that didn't get cured, the solar power infrastructure that didn't get built, the bridges and roads that didn't get fixed, and (most of all) the lost opportunity suffered by good Americans trying to make a better life for themselves and for their nation simply because people like Donald Trump don't pay their fair share.
David Fahrenthold at the Washington Post finds that Donald Trump's charitable foundation never got the certification the state of New York requires for charities. For Donald Trump that's no doubt a stupid piece of paperwork he'll get rid of once he's President, but that certification subjects charities to annual audits and you know how Teh Donald feels about transparency. Plus, only charities soliciting and raising over $25,000 annually from the public have to get this certification, so Mr. Trump won't be able to harrumph about burdens on small businesses in the next debate.
Surprise, surprise, a Nation investigation finds Wisconsin DMVs "systematically" failing to provide free IDs or voting certificates to residents who can't get the legally-mandated photo ID, and thus the state is failing to comply with several court orders. Of course, Scott Walker doesn't care, since his state's "failure" means Donald Trump has a much better chance of winning Wisconsin than he would under ordinary circumstances (hell, Sen. Johnson might even get re-elected!), and by then his "apology" for his government's "incompetence" (if he even offers one!) would be pretty painless. The next Democrat who runs for Governor of Wisconsin had better run on repealing the entire Walker Administration, or that state is screwed for the next generation.
Wells Fargo, already on the ropes thanks to its habit of opening accounts fraudulently for customers, also must pay over $20 million in fines and settlements for violating the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Oh, but brace yourself for how exactly they broke that law: they unlawfully repossessed cars from over 400 American soldiers. You know soldiers don't make a lot of money, right? And you also know they're frequently overseas (i.e., not always able to attend very closely to their bills), right? Then you know that Wells Fargo preyed on these soldiers because they smelled financial weakness, and though Donald Trump might call that "good business," civilized people would call it cruelty. Time to join a credit union, if you haven't already.
The New York Times reports that almost half a million homes don't have adequate showering facilities, a working flushable toilet, or hot and cold running water, even. This sounds like a job for a new public works administration! And if Republicans fight it, all we need do is ask them: why do you hate hot and cold running water?
Finally, David Duke reminds us, for some reason, that "shamefully bias (sic) debate moderator" Lester Holt has a Jewish wife. I do long for the day when people look at a statement like that and wonder why on Earth anyone would bring it up. In the meantime, let me indulge in a much-deserved personal attack: it's biased, not "bias." David Duke should work as hard on his grammar as he did on his face.