5th Circuit Court of Appeals rules that Texas's Voter ID law violates the Voting Rights Act -- specifically, Section 2, which the Supreme Court did not strike down in Shelby County v. Holder. The Court didn't strike down the law, however -- they mandated that Texas come up with some kind of workaround so voters who have a "reasonable impediment" to getting the required ID can still vote. Meanwhile, a federal district Court judge issues an injunction allowing Wisconsin residents without Voter ID to vote in November if they swear to their identity in an affidavit. That's far from ideal, either -- I can foresee a lot of "voter fraud" cases (which will play into the hands of the Voter ID crowd!) where, say, a fellow named Thomas D. Nelson gets convicted because his name is actually Thomas D Nelson.
Ho hum, the Nice truck attack last week killed 84 civilians, while a coalition airstrike in Syria earlier this week killed over 85 civilians, and just guess which item the big "liberal" media news outlets ignored. FAIR writer Adam Johnson, who's very, very good, refutes two potential opposition arguments with ease. But put six beers in big "liberal" media executives and they'll tell you it's OK when we do it. No, scratch that: they won't even need the alcohol's help.
New York City tries to keep a lid on skyrocketing rents by handing out property tax breaks to landlords -- but doesn't make data regarding those rental prices available, even though the law mandates it. Why is this at all acceptable to anyone? Because people make money off it, that's why -- and some of them could well be collecting the property tax break without actually offering the lower rents that would qualify the landlords for the tax break! I'd be a schmuck to think that's not going on merely because I haven't personally put people in jail for it.
Michael Corcoran at TruthOut reminds us that CNN's hiring of former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski isn't unprecedented -- in fact, it's part of a long tradition of hiring partisan hacks to give "insight" and "analysis." Oh, almost forgot -- they also hire active political lobbyists and rarely-if-ever disclose that fact. "Liberal" media executives will say -- out loud, too! -- that insiders know more than everyone else, without ever mentioning that insiders are not only looking for their next inside job, but typically fancy themselves as creators of reality, not reporters of it. (And, for balance, we learn that MSNBC is no better with hiring partisan hacks.)
Finally, NPR reports on a cookout in Wichita, KS this past Sunday -- a cookout put together by both Wichita police and the Wichita Black Lives Matter chapter. Protestors and police need to socialize with each other outside of superheated confrontations, so I'm glad they chose this cookout, and I hope they do so again. Cynics, of course, will drink all the Hatorade they want, but I think this is cause for optimism, and I'll think so even after the next shooting, and the next one, and the next one.