Our government has released the 9.11 Congressional report's infamous 28 censored pages, which suggest that high Saudi Arabian officials may have given aid and comfort to the 9.11 hijackers. The absence of a smoking gun tying Saudi Arabia to 9.11 -- which, of course, may be a result of Saudi non-cooperation with Congress's investigations! -- has led the Saudi embassy here in America to declare that it "exonerates" them, but a fearless reporter could prove otherwise. In any case, it's well past time to confront the toxicity of our relationship with Saudi Arabia, a relationship where we not only trade massive amounts of weapons for oil, but also our silence as the Saudi government kills civilians in Yemen and oppresses its own citizens at home. Now, some folks actually tell me that we should do whatever Saudi Arabia wants, because other Middle Eastern nations are worse! Because that's what being an American is all about -- being a hostage to evil! Roots Action helps you demand that our government start a sort of BDS movement against Saudi Arabia, to deprive it of the money and weapons it needs to continue its errant ways.
Meanwhile, the SEC is (until tomorrow!) taking public comments on their proposal to force American corporations to disclose any foreign subsidiaries "working" in nations known as tax havens, as well as the taxes these subsidiaries would owe if they weren't "foreign." You recall the infamous Cayman Islands building housing almost 19.000 corporations? How do they all fit in there? Of course, those corporations only exist there as files in a filing cabinet. I suppose corporatists will argue that they shouldn't be compelled to disclose anything that isn't actually illegal, but a) people have that right, and corporations ain't people, and b) the SEC's job is to keep corporations from screwing over their investors, many of whom would like to know if their money is going toward tax evasion, and thus also depriving us all of the services we need. Indeed, that's probably what corporations are most afraid of -- that people will know, and not just suspect, the depths of their immorality. So Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell the SEC to mandate corporate disclosure of foreign subsidiaries.