Tired of your Facebook friends telling you whom to vote for? Well, Atrios tells you to "Vote For Whoever The Hell You Want." Most of his rant concerns arguing about politics with people on Facebook and writing manifestos about your vote and why you made it, and those are two largely useless pastimes. But he is also correct that we invest too much of our own ego in our vote, when voting is really the beginning of our duty as citizens, not the end. (Full disclosure: I've been guilty of most of the sins I've summarized here.)
In case you were wondering what the other side's public comments on government regulatory proposals were like, dig this account of several oil corporation flacks testifying that deadly oil spills are actually job creators and not so bad for birds because fewer of them will be hunted to death. That's a little like saying cancer is good for you because it reduces the possibility you'll die in a car crash. And the fact that some good may come from evil is not a reason to excuse or propagate evil. When people say that "experts" leave better public comments than us dirty rubes, is this what they mean?
Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall says he "can't respect" people who think it's a good idea to boo Leon Panetta at the Democratic National Convention -- because "we're in the middle of a battle simply to make sure a dangerous -- uniquely dangerous -- figure like Donald Trump doesn't become President. Sorry, but I call that a hostage situation -- don't boo chickenhawk Democrats, or America gets it! And if "(e)very little bit and moment counts," someone should have told Terry McAuliffe that before he said Hillary Clinton will betray liberals on "free" trade. But then, rules are only for little people, like us.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio seems to think Donald Trump can learn how to be President "as he settles into this role as the nominee and ultimately the president." Because the Senate will act as a "check" on his power (if they're really interested!) and because "once you’re actually in that position, once you’re actually working at this thing, and you’re in there, and you start to have access to information that perhaps you didn’t have before, especially for someone that’s never been in politics, I think it starts to impact your views a little bit." And they say liberals use hundreds of words to say nothing? He gives empty suits a bad name.
Finally, in case you were wondering, Donald Trump did not commit treason by "hop(ing)" that Russia finds deleted emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. What does our Constitution say about treason, again? "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." If Russia and China aren't our enemies, then Mr. Trump hasn't committed treason. He's only committed his usual sin, that of being an asshole, and let's not heap additional charges upon him merely because what the Buddhists might call his asshole-nature hasn't yet earned him the appropriate punishment.