In advance of the fourth consecutive Most Important Election of Our Lifetime, Food and Water Watch helps you advocate for a series of voting rights reforms. These include, of course, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would put the teeth back into the Voting Rights Act that the Supreme Court knocked out in Shelby County v. Holder, as well as the Fair Elections Now Act, which would set up a public campaign financing system based on small donations, and a Constitutional amendment overturning the pro-corporate "personhood" decision Citizens United v. FEC. The email tool also allows you to demand hearings for Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, though if (like me) you think the Senate should be able to filibuster the nomination if they want to, you can easily edit the tool. Regarding my sarcasm in the first sentence: Presidential elections just aren't anywhere near as important as what you do the other 1,460 days of a Presidential term. Those days are what this blog is all about.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell Vanguard to fight for campaign spending disclosure from the corporations in which it invests our retirement money, then CREDO still helps you do that. Vanguard has been a bit wary of doing such a thing, and I bet a lot of folks who otherwise fight hard for pensions and Social Security feel a bit wary, too -- it's hard enough to make politicians preserve what we've got, so why should we make more demands? But it's precisely that manner of thinking I've consecrated this blog to fighting. If Our Glorious Elites can get you to avoid campaign finance disclosure issues because you're trying to tread water on pensions and Social Security, what have they made you? A hostage, that's what. And how do you defeat these rhetorical hostage situations? Precisely by demanding and fighting for what you deserve. If we do that, we might start moving the political center leftward again. God knows right-wingers move the center rightward far too easily.