Did you know our Department of Defense has been supporting Syrian Kurds fighting ISIS -- but our CIA has been supporting groups that have attacked those Kurds? It'd be funny, if it weren't murderously incompetent. (No, whether it's malicious or not, it's still incompetent.) Hence Just Foreign Policy joins with MoveOn to help you tell Congress to stop funding groups that attack Syrian Kurds. Even with a Republican-held Congress determined to do nothing until after the election, this is not as tall an order as it sounds -- CIA spending on jihadist attacks on Kurds is, as it happens, not a tremendously popular idea in Congress, and even the establishment "paper of record," the New York Times, now sounds open to the idea of Kurdish self-rule within Syria. It's hard to underestimate the significance of that pronouncement, even if the Times is pretty sure nothing will come of it -- when have they ever complained, for example, about how European powers drew African borders during the colonial era? So let's make this tall order into the people's order.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell your Congressfolk to support H.R. 4763/S. 2697, the Wage Theft Prevention and Wage Recovery Act, then Fight for 15 helps you do that. Most employees experience wage theft in dribs and drabs -- tips not distributed, overtime hours counted as straight time, straight time hours disappearing from paychecks. But these dribs and drabs add up to real money for the corporate CEOs who put pressure on managers to get the work done "any way they can," rather than putting managers in position to do the best job they can, as is a CEO's duty. And they also add up to real money for workers weighing how much they can get away with not paying on their electric bill so they can pay their water bill. Sadly, our laws currently let corporations reimbursing workers they've stolen from at minimum wage, no matter what workers actually make -- and that's virtually an incentive to cheat. As any good conservative would tell you, we don't need our government giving corporations an incentive to bad behavior.
Finally, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell President Obama's Treasury Department to close the loophole that allows corporations to become "foreign" corporations and evade their fair share of taxes, then Sign for Good still helps you do that. How did the Treasury Department get this power, you ask? Shouldn't Congress fix this loophole? Of course Congress should fix this loophole, but they have little enthusiasm for such tasks even when Democrats are running things. And Treasury got this power to make corporate inversion rules the same way the Executive branch always gets power from Congress: because Congress delegated it to the Executive branch through legislation. So if President Obama actually uses that power, that doesn't make him an AMURIKAN CAESAR!!!!! like Republicans always say he is. And where were they when George W. Bush was warrantlessly wiretapping American citizens? Cheering him on and calling his critics traitors, like always. Apparently Presidents are only "dictators" when they do something for the American people.