Frank Barat, writing in Counterpunch, tells us some hard truths about the terrorist attacks in Brussels. You don't need to be completely against prisons (as some of my compatriots on the left and right are!) to remember that the OGs of ISIS all met in Iraqi internment camps. And it's funny that Turkish Kurds, who are actually beating ISIS on the ground, can't get any help from Our Glorious Elites. But you better believe they'll fight like hell to be able to break into your phones whenever they want.
Zack Cartwright, writing at USUncut, finds "Five Outrageous Examples of Voter Suppression in the Arizona Primary." You'll recognize number one -- the absurdly long lines of voters in Maricopa County, which for some reason opened less than one-third the polling locations they opened in 2012 -- from the long lines you saw in the more, ah, urban areas of Ohio during the 2004 Presidential elections. You'll also be very surprised to learn that the more Hispanic areas of Maricopa County hardly had any polling locations open at all. The other three examples aren't any better.
Adam Johnson, writing at FAIR, finds a litany of Bush Mobb-era pro-torture punditoids "suddenly concerned with human rights" now that President Obama has visited Cuba. These include the coiner of the phrase "enhanced interrogation" and a "putative liberal" who "had not once tweeted out the words 'human rights'" in 6,000 twitterings until President Obama went to Cuba. I'm pretty sure that if a Republican President had gone to Cuba, they'd have made fools of themselves giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Ho hum, banksters are fighting the notion of a financial transaction tax (a.k.a. the "Robin Hood tax"). In other news, burglars don't think laws against burglary are necessary. And what is the banksters' reasoning? That it would prevent them from redistributing more money upward to themselves "weaken markets and hurt small investors." Always the big guy takes the little guy hostage when you try to take the big guy's unearned goodies! And the banksters "weaken markets" much better than any government ever could, with their hifalutin financial "instruments" that have nothing to do with loaning money to build businesses, create jobs, and improve processes.
Finally, Newsweek reminds us that Joseph E. Schmitz, who has actually been named as a "foreign policy advisor" by Donald Trump himself, had to quit as Defense Department inspector general in 2005, amid allegations (mainly from Iowa Republican Senator Charles Grassley) that (among other things!) he blocked investigations into Iraq and Afghanistan contractors. In other words, he was too corrupt even for Tha Bush Mobb -- so of course he's now he's a Trump advisor! Another fun fact: Mr. Schmitz's father was expelled by the John Birch Society -- for his extremism.