You no doubt know by now that the FBI has obtained a court order mandating that computer corporation Apple hack into an iPhone 5c belonging to one of the suspects in the San Bernardino shootings. You no doubt also know that Apple has publicly announced that it will fight the court order. You may be saying to yourself, self, what's the big deal? We all want to put that guy in jail! But the FBI hasn't merely asked Apple for its cooperation in the investigation, which Apple has by and large given -- the FBI has asked Apple to develop a method to hack into any iPhone, at any time, belonging to anybody, perhaps even you. And ultimately that'll mean not just any iPhone, either, or even any phone, but any device that can connect to the internet, and there'll be a lot more of those devices in the coming years. So the Bill of Rights Defense Committee and the Defending Dissent Foundation help you tell your Congressfolk to reject legislative efforts to force corporations to build "backdoors" into their devices.
Meanwhile, word on the street is that Sen. Roberts (R-KS) has introduced the Senate version of H.R. 1599, the so-called Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, and though doesn't yet list the bill, Sen. Roberts's Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the bill later on this week. If this bill is significantly like H.R. 1599, it'll prevent states from passing laws requiring food corporations to label genetically-modified organisms (or GMOs) in their food, and will set up yet another voluntary reporting regime for GMOs, just like the one that's been in place for over a decade that hasn't induced anyone to label any GMOs. Hence Food and Water Watch helps you tell your Congressfolk to support the real GMO labeling regimes that good Americans want, not the corporate "labeling" regimes they hope Americans will be fooled by. I wouldn't wait for a Democratic filibuster on such a bill, or a Presidential veto, either. I would, however, be happy to see a large public outcry induce a filibuster or a veto.