Ho hum, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) also thinks vaccines should be "voluntary," not only displaying his ignorance of how vaccines work (when everyone's properly vaccinated, target diseases can't re-establish a foothold), but his utter inability to make his own case: "I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines." "I have heard" indeed -- because, as we learned in school, hearing is exactly the same thing as knowing! And note "disorders after vaccines," instead of the more definitive "disorders because of vaccines," like he wants wiggle room later. What a profoundly useless man Rand Paul is.
President Obama releases his own repatriation holiday proposal, which turns out to be only marginally better than the Paul/Boxer plan. Unlike Rand Paul, Mr. Obama can make the case that repatriating offshored profits at 14% would do some good, since the biggest corporations pay 12% on average, but his proposal makes the Paul/Boxer plan look like the center, when it's anything but. You know what the liberal position on this matter ought to be? Corporations don't get to offshore their profits willy-nilly, and we force them to bring those profits back, and then we tax them at a higher rate than the 35% corporate tax rate. That'll bring 'em to heel.
Ridesharing service Uber takes credit for drunk driving accidents dropping for folks under 30 in California areas where Uber is available -- but falls victim to the old correlation-isn't-causation problem. Uber doesn't assert that the folks under 30 in these areas actually use Uber, which is what you'd have to know first to take credit. This sounds a bit like smoke-and-mirrors to hide Uber from charges that it, you know, doesn't treat its workers -- ahem, independent contractors -- very well. All praise the new economy!
The Hill asks, "Whatever Happened to NSA Officials Who Looked Up Lovers' Records?" And, sadly can't give us an answer. Maybe the Obama Administration can say "we're looking forward, not backward!" -- or, even better, TEH TERRORIZTS WINZ IF WE TELLZ TEH PEEPULZ!!!!! Who asked, by the way? None other than Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa! In a sane and moral culture, you'd position yourself for re-election by, you know, performing more good works than normal, as Mr. Grassley has done. So I admire him for doing that in this culture.
Finally, the Consumerist provides an entertaining quiz which tests your knowledge of which brand names came from a real person and which didn't. Chef Boiardi you may know -- he spelled his name phonetically (boy-ar-dee) on his package to make his food seem less foreign to white audiences, back in the day when Italian food wasn't common and whites didn't think of Italian-Americans as white. Other names you'll read about (no spoilers!): Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines, Francesco Rinaldi, and Auntie Anne.