Mother Jones checks Sen. Lee's ZOMG TEH NET NUTRALITEEZ WILLZ CAUSE TEH BILLZ TO GOEZ UP!!!!! claim, and finds it wanting. Silly Mike Lee, acting as if big telecom corporations won't hike your rates for just any old reason, as they've been doing for decades now. And strictly speaking, conservatives haven't opposed net neutrality; their reactionary/corporatist spokeshacks in Congress have. There is, I still insist, a difference.
Massive spy cable leak informs us, among other things, that Israel's secret service contradicted Prime Minister Netanyahu's 2012 assertion that Iran was thisclose to building a nuclear weapon. You may remember that Mossad, also, spread "bad intelligence" in the run-up to the Iraq war, but if they did so out of a misguided notion they were ensuring security, you have to wonder why that same notion didn't prompt them to match Mr. Netanyahu's alarmism. A bridge too far, perhaps.
Gary Ruskin tells us that when the "liberal" media informs us that GMO science is "settled," they're "flat wrong." I find lumping us in with climate change denialists rather offensive: GMO manufacturers still control scientific research in a way fossil fuel corporations don't, and GMO corporations have everything to gain from convincing everyone GMOs are OK, just as fossil fuel corporations have everything to gain from convincing people climate change is a hoax.
The New Yorker finds the beginnings of a "student debt revolt" in the 15 former students at for-profit Corinthian corporation colleges who have gone on a "debt strike" on their loans. If you're wondering if these folks are just out to avoid their obligations to civilized society, note that Corinthian's 14 colleges are now all shut down (at least one not long after instructors just stopped showing up for classes) and that the CFPB and two state attorneys general have filed suit against Corinthian, so these students might well be able to prove their colleges didn't provide the services they took out loans to pay for. They need to prove more than that, of course, but they might be able to.
Finally, following terrorist attacks against Jews in Europe, several groups of Muslims in Norway decided to make a "ring of peace" around an Oslo synagogue, and a thousand people showed up to join it this past Saturday. "There are many more peacemongers than warmongers," one of the organizers said, and though that's true, somehow the warmongers get all the ink. And I doubt the "liberal" media repeats this story very often in the coming weeks, months, and years -- it doesn't serve the aims of Our Glorious Elites very well.