New Jersey state Assembly passes bill requiring law enforcement to get a warrant before using a drone to investigate a crime. What a shame a bill has to spell that out -- and what a shame the state Senate version of the same bill has no such requirement.
In other New Jersey-related news, turns out a deputy Chief of Staff to Gov. Chris Christie ordered those George Washington bridge land closings back in September, and exactly for the reason speculated by his enemies -- to exact retribution on Fort Lee's Mayor for his non-endorsement of the Governor. The trail of slime doesn't reach the Governor himself just yet, and I suppose he's handled the aftermath about as well as he could, but this kind of pettiness just doesn't look Presidential. I suppose it's early enough for everyone to forget.
Surprise, surprise: another ZOMG OBAMACARE HORROR STORY!!!!! with not a whole lot of there there. And it's the result of bad journalism, no less -- where reporters don't fact-check (maybe due to time and work constraints, or maybe not) and editors lie about their obvious biases. These are the days of miracle and wonder.
Gov. Scott Walker (E-WI) wants to have a year-long conversation about getting rid of the state income tax. Why do I think it might not work out as well for him as that year-long conversation Barack Obama had about making the rich pay more income tax did? Because Mr. Walker would almost certainly have to hike sales taxes to make up for the budget shortfall -- and Wisconsinites could wind up paying a 13.5% sales tax if he can con them into giving up the income tax. Why do I suspect Mr. Walker will start a hundred other conversations in the meantime and then, when he wins, declare a mandate on this one?
And speaking of Scott Walker, "Recall is not the Wisconsin Way" ads opposing Mr. Walker's recall in 2012 turn out to have been funded mainly by out-of-state groups. That's some Wisconsin way there! And the ads' sponsor, the Coalition for American Values Action (it's fun, it's healthy, it's word salad!), "did little before the recall elections, and has done little since," and might have broken state campaign financing laws. I imagine the good folks in Wisconsin would find all of this appalling, if it were on the nightly news or anything.