The Union of Concerned Scientists helps you tell the EPA to enact the strongest possible carbon emissions rules. The carbon standards the EPA issued in September require new power plants to capture their emissions; by June, the EPA will propose guidelines pertaining to existing power plants. Mainly, UCS helps you tell the EPA to encourage the proliferation of renewable energy (including wind power and solar power), and avoid shifting to an energy approach dominated by natural gas, whose carbon emissions will likely be little different from coal's in the long run. I suppose the big dirty energy players stand at the ready to squeal CLEAN AIR KILLZ THA JOBZZ!!!!! What's that, you say? Big corporations aren't that obvious? Don't give them too much credit -- in these times, the big corporations care less about making sense and more about making noise, and that's as good a marker of the sickness, immorality, and decadence of our times as any other. But we also stand ready -- not just for clean air and water, but for science, for reason, for morality.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to ask President Obama to ban weaponized drones, Roots Action still helps you do that. Why do I mention it? Because the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate -- Malala Yousafzai, who advocated for girls' education in Pakistan even after the frickin' Taliban shot her in the head on a school bus -- sat down in the Oval Office earlier this week with the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Barack Obama, you may have heard of him), and told him that his Administration's drone attacks make terrorism worse by, you know, killing innocent people for no apparent reason. If you've heard little about this exchange from the White House or the "liberal" media, there may be a reason for that -- this Administration has conducted far more drone attacks than even the last one, and the "liberal" media have largely cheered on these efforts. So we'd do a lot of good by a) highlighting what Ms. Yousafzai told Mr. Obama and b) telling the world to stop conducting drone attacks. If states want to kill people, we ought to make them do it the old-fashioned way.