The Supreme Court rules, in Maryland v. King, that it's A-OK to take DNA from suspects without a warrant because DNA is like, you know, fingerprints and stuff, and John W. Whitehead eviscerates their logic. Warning: you'll find Antonin Scalia on the right side of an argument, as happens more often than the Stopped Clock Rule would explain. What the hell is the matter with getting a damn warrant? Life ain't 24.
Sen. Lautenberg's untimely death has already led right-wingers to warn New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) that selecting some moderate to replace him in the interim will finish him in 2016. More likely, Mr. Christie tells far right-wingers to go to hell, sooner rather than later, and those right-wingers vote for him in large numbers anyway in 2016, given how much of a rage they've let themselves get whipped up into over SOSHALIZM!!!!!! -- and if Mr. Christie does win in 2016, which is far from unlikely, he's going to do a lot of their bidding anyway.
Conor Freidsdorf at The Atlantic notes that Bill O'Reilly planned to repeat his 2008 radio rant against right-wing "Kool-Aid-drinking idiots" on his more-widely-viewed TV program that night, but backed down in the face of pressure from then-Fox head Roger Ailes. What Mr. Freidsdorf forgets is that Bill O'Reilly criticized right-wing talk radio for opposing the Bush bailout -- the one time right-wing talk radio was on the side of the angels! -- and while Mr. O'Reilly only alluded to Rush Limbaugh in that rant, he called out Barney Frank and Chris Dodd by name.
Finally, former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) has converted his House campaign account into a federal Political Action Committee, called the Deep Strike PAC. It sounds like a damn porn film!