I understand that the party of Useful Idiots for al-Qaeda is, how do we put this, getting a bit desperate. Here's Rick Santorum comparing the war in Iraq to The Lord of the Rings. He'd prefer the Eye of Mordor to be over there rather than over here, never mind what the good citizens of over-there might have preferred. And there's Ken Blackwell spreading rumors about Ted Strickland's sexuality on the flimsiest of pretexts; Blackwell couldn't even find or fake a text message. And then there's the truly amazing Cliff Kinkaid, ready with 27 questions at the next News Corporation stockholders' meeting because he thinks Fox News is trending left. You know, because they occasionally say something Cliff Kinkaid doesn't want to hear, which phenomenon is the very definition of bias. With men like these bearing the standard of righteousness, the terrorists just might win.
And with men like these bearing the standard of righteousness, Karl Rove may well have an October surprise in the pipeline so odious, so shocking, so disgusting that he's going to taste holy toe cheese for all eternity.