Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to reject all of TFG's Cabinet nominees, reject the so-called Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, and pass the PRESS Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
I've been getting numerous email alerts about rejecting TFG's Cabinet nominees, but you might as well call your Senators and tell them to reject all of them, because they're all trash. How do I know they're all trash? Because Matt Gaetz – who opposed monopolies and forced arbitration in Congress – was the best of them. Now the best of them is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who supports Medicare-for-All health insurance but who is so absurdly wrong about almost everything else that more people would die if he were HHS Secretary. (You mean he's actually better than Dr. Oz? Dr. Oz would privatize Medicare, so yes, but this is like distinguishing between the pile of dung the flies have found and the pile of dung they haven't yet found.) I don't care that any next slate of nominees would be only slightly better; we need to make our will known, and we need to be a pain in the ass to our Congressfolk.
Civic Shout helps you tell your Senators to oppose H.R. 9495, the so-called Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act. Because, as Rep. Doggett (D-TX) said, "This bill is not about terrorism — it’s about giving Donald Trump unlimited authority to label his opponents as terrorists." You want TFG to have that power? His entire life is a monument to greed, selfishness, and venality! His entire m.o. is "whenever someone inconveniences you, hurt them"! And if we give him the power to revoke the tax-free status of any non-profit he deems "terrorist-affiliated," you think he won't move on you if you make charitable donations to such organizations? Of course he will! And you think he'll stop at organizations that, say, donate food to Palestinians? No – the Public Citizens and Common Causes and Consumer Reportses of the world will all be next! So we should get in our Senators' grills until they remember who's boss around here.
Finally, Free Press helps you tell your Senators to pass the PRESS Act, which would hamstring our government's ability to oppress journalists by (among other good works) prohibiting our government from forcing journalists to reveal their sources. Usually revealing sources puts those sources at risk of death, but with TFG as President, you'd best believe he'd be happy to order those sources' deaths himself! Because nothing stops him from hurting other people! Especially now that he's actually won the popular vote (though not with 50% of the vote, even), for the first time in three tries! Of course he's lately told the Senate they should block passage of the PRESS Act, even though our House passed it in an actually-bipartisan manner ten months ago. Let's not give TFG what he wants, OK? Especially since what he wants isn't what we want – nor is it what we need.